Refresh table on dropdown change

Refresh table on dropdown change

canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0

On my page I have 3 dropdowns and on the 3rd drop down, I populate the datatable. How can I refresh the datatable on the onChange of the 3rd dropdown? I'm using destory: true, however, when I change the dropdown, it's appending that data's rows to the table and not doing a full refresh of the datatable with the new data.

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  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,703Questions: 26Answers: 5,023

    If you are using the ajax option use ajax.reload() to refresh the data. Or maybe you will want to use destroy() and use clear() before destroying the table as shown in the example.

    If this doesn't help then please post the code you are using so we can get an idea of how you are currently repopulating the table.


  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0
    edited January 2023

    code for the drop down that is calling the method to populate the table. It's only appending the rows and not doing a full refresh to show the data for the selected option.

      //dropdown routine:
        $('groups').change(function() {
           var groups = [];
           var groupid = $(this).val();
           $.getJSON('/Groups/GroupFacts', { groupId: groupId }, function (data){
               async: false,
               $.each(data, function (k, v) {
                     groups.push([value.groupId, value.groupName, value.groupLocation])
                      destroy: true,  //does nothing
                      data: facts,
                      columnDef: [
                               targets: -1,
                              data: null,
                              defaultContent: '<button>Details</button>  //this fails to, but..
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,703Questions: 26Answers: 5,023
    edited January 2023

    Looks like you are fetching the new data and storing it in a variable called groups. But you are using data: facts, to load the data. Guessing facts is the original data set. Maybe you need to use data: groups,?


  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0
    edited January 2023

    That was a typo:

    This is using groups as well: groups is the array that has the data pushed into it. Is there another way to do this without creating an array and pushing the JSON values into it? The [ data ] variable has all of the data in it that is returned from my db call, however, if I use that to bind to the table, I get another sort of error message.

    $    ('#tblGroups').DataTable({
                        destroy: true,  //does nothing
                        data: groups,
                        columnDef: [
                                 targets: -1,
                                data: null,
                                defaultContent: '<button>Details</button>  //this fails to, but..
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,703Questions: 26Answers: 5,023
    edited January 2023

    That was a typo

    Is it working with the typo fixed?

    Is there another way to do this without creating an array and pushing the JSON values into it?

    Looks like your JSON data is an array of objects. Use to define the columns based on the JSON object data. Something like this;

    columns: [
      { data: 'groupId' },
      { data: 'groupName' },
      { data: 'groupLocation' },
        targets: -1,
        data: null,
        defaultContent: '<button>Details</button>  //this fails to, but..

    See the Data docs for more details.

    Sorry, I'm not clear what you mean by these two points

    The [ data ] variable has all of the data in it that is returned from my db call,

    What data variable has all the data?

    however, if I use that to bind to the table, I get another sort of error message.

    How are you binding it to the table and what is the error?


  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0

    If I do this:

    I get the following error message:
    datatable warning: table id=tblgroups - requested column parameter '0' for row 0 for column 0. For more information about this go to error.

    The [ data ] is the data object coming back from the DB call. I can print that out in the console and see all of the data returned. It's returning 3columns of data and I have four headers in my table

    <table id="tblGroups">
               <td>group id</td>
                <td>group name</td>
               <td>group location</td>
               <td></td> //this is for the button
         $('groups').change(function() {
             var groups = [];
             var groupid = $(this).val();
             $.getJSON('/Groups/GroupFacts', { groupId: groupId }, function (data){
                        destroy: true,  //does nothing
                        data: data,
                        columnDef: [
                                 targets: -1,
                                data: null,
                                defaultContent: '<button>Details</button>  //this fails to, but..
  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0
    edited January 2023

    If I do this, my headers disappear and the button is gone as well from the table.

    so if I have:

    //this is for the button
    group id group name group location

    they headers are not showing, however, the table does refresh with new data for the selected value in the dropdown

    columns: [
      { data: 'groupId` },
      { data: 'groupName` },
      { data: 'groupLocation` },
        targets: -1,
        data: null,
        defaultContent: '<button>Details</button>  //this fails to, but..
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,703Questions: 26Answers: 5,023

    Look in the browser's console for errors. If you just copied and pasted what I had originally (fixed now) you will get errors. I used a back tick for the closing quotes, for example "'groupId`" should be "'groupId'". See if changing this helps.


  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0

    Ok, so for whatever reason, closing visual studio and clearing cache, it's working, however, when I try to add the button to the extra column, it fails, so how can I add a button to the last column

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,703Questions: 26Answers: 5,023
    edited January 2023

    Looks like you are missing a close quote: defaultContent: '<button>Details</button> //this fails to, but... Like this defaultContent: '<button>Details</button>'.

    Also the targets; -1 is not used for columns. I forgot to remove it. It won't cause a problem and will be ignored but remove it to avoid future confusion when you look at the code.


  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0

    I have it like this:
    and the button isn't showing up. I'm trying to add a details button

    //this is for the button
    group id group name group location
                        destroy: true,  //does nothing
                        data: data,
                        columnDef: [
                                 targets: -1,
                                data: null,
                                defaultContent: '<button>Details</button>',  //this fails to, but..
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,703Questions: 26Answers: 5,023

    The option is columnDefs with an s. Add an s to line 4.


  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0

    That still fail:

    I've done this and fails:

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,703Questions: 26Answers: 5,023
    edited January 2023

    I copied your last code snippet here:

    Change columnDef to columnDefs and applied some data using a data variable. It works. Look in the browser's console for errors:

    If you still need help then update the test case with a same of your data to repliacte the problem.


  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0

    If I do that, I get double headers, no button. The button was there when I first started, however, the table wasn't refreshing, now, I have the table refreshing as expected, but no button.

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,703Questions: 26Answers: 5,023

    To progress this further we will need to see exactly what you are doing. Please update the test, create your own test case or provide a link to your page so we can help debug.


  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0


    <table id="tblGroups">
               <td>group id</td>
                <td>group name</td>
               <td>group location</td>
               <td></td> //this is for the button
       //bind the data table
                    destroy: true,  //does nothing
                    data: data,
                    columnDefs: [
                             targets: -1,
                            data: null,
                            defaultContent: '<button>Details</button>',  //this fails to, but..
                      // if this is removed, I get double headers, no data, but a button. 
                      // I have this, the data is showing, one header for each column, and no button
                      columns: [
                         { data: 'groupId` },
                         { data: 'groupName` },
                         { data: 'groupLocation` },
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,703Questions: 26Answers: 5,023
    Answer ✓

    Alright since you refuse to provide a test case I will create a new one with the data that I assume you have:

    The loadTable() function simulates your ajax request.

    Note I fixed all the syntax errors I noted above and that still remain in your last code snippet. If you haven't fixed these errors then I can see why you are still having problems.

    For further help you will need to update the test case, create your own or post a link to a page showing the issues.


  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0

    I'm running into this issue on a different PC then I'm posting from, that PC doesn't have access to this site.

  • canwejustcodecanwejustcode Posts: 36Questions: 10Answers: 0
    edited January 2023

    That worked, thanks, will that be added to the documentation on the site? I'm assuming I'm not the only one that had this issue. I didn't see anywhere to add the button to the columns section (if applicable). I've used this DT before several years ago with luck, so I'd figure I'd use it again and ran into this. thanks again

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,703Questions: 26Answers: 5,023
    Answer ✓

    The columns.defaultContent and columns.render have examples of adding HTML elements like buttons. There is this data rendering example. Is there anything specific you would like added to the documentation?


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