How to implement DataTable with Materializecss
by william2022 ·$(document).ready(function () { $('#mainTable').DataTable(); $('select').formSelect(); }); </a> -
FixedHeader shows only if window is resized or if table is sorted by clickinf on a header title
by kthorngren ·load_all_data(); // var t = $('#maintable').DataTable(); // t.columns.adjust(); // t.fixedHeader.adjust(); -
Not Working - Changing the width using "columnDefs" OR "columns"
by versace ·var th_td_width = table_width / $('#mainTable th').length; -
Not Working - Changing the width using "columnDefs" OR "columns"
by versace ·All of the elements are stored in a table with the original assigned ID (#mainTable) -
Not Working - Changing the width using "columnDefs" OR "columns"
by versace ·var maintable = $('#mainTable').DataTable( { "columns": [ { "width": "75px" }, { "width": "75px" }, { "width": -
Fixed and scrollable header without vertical scroll on table
by SAVladImirC ·this.table = new $('#mainTable').DataTable({ -
sort a specific color of a column out.
by ak1984 ·$("#mainTable").DataTable({}) -
how to hide one of the option in contextMenu on one of the row not all
by MA_abdallah ·(key, opt) { return $("#MainContent_hdl").val() != '1'; } }, "Edit": { name: "Edit", icon: &q -
How to add a DropDown list to edit a single column from a datatable?
by nick666 ·} }); var table = $('#maintable').DataTable( { "ajax": {"type":"GET", "url" :"/TableEditor/reque -
Using the upload functionality but it is inserting two records in the DB
by devincox ·$(document).ready(function() { editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( { ajax: "./table.upload.php", table: "#mainDataTable", idSrc: 'upload.uploadID', -
Dependant Select problems
by peterbrowne ·$( '#permission_field' ).val(); $( '#main-menu' ).smartmenus(); $( '#program_levels' ).change( function ( e ) { window.location.href = 'edit_' + this.value + -
DataTables warning: table id=main-data-table - Invalid JSON response.
by Mengzz08 ·$("#main-data-table").DataTable({ ajax: { url: ' <?= base_url()?>/admin/door_to_door/list', dataSrc:'data' }, serverSide:true, columns: [ {data: null, rende -
Flask conflict whit use {% extends "base.html" %}
by aaviles ·Hello Alla !! Thank you very much for answering my question, and of course I provide you with the information: , -
Mjoin - Not inserting or updating, but delete works
by peterbrowne ·$( '#permission_field' ).val(); $( '#main-menu' ).smartmenus(); $( '#program_levels' ).change( function ( e ) { window.location.href = 'edit_' + this.value + -
Datatables as editor field
by colin ·$('#mainTable').DataTable().row('selected: true').data() -
Headers Not Aligned With ScrollY and ServerSide Processing
by 77vetter ·function() { var w = $('#MainEquipDiv').width(); $('#MainEquipDiv').width(w - 5); --- THIS IS THE FIX $('#MainEquipDiv').width(w + -
Avoid entire table displaying while loading the page
by LucasL ·$.extend( $.fn.dataTable.defaults, { responsive: true } ); $(document).ready(function() { $('#main-table').DataTable( { searchBuilder: { columns: [1,2,3] -
How to dynamically change the height of scrollY depending on viewport size?
by price88 ·$scrollHeight = $('#mainTable').height() + $('.container').height() - $('#mainData').height(); -
How to dynamically change the height of scrollY depending on viewport size?
by price88 ·$('#mainTable').DataTable({ dom: 'Bflrtip', buttons: [{ text: '+ Add', action: function (e, dt, node, config) { -
Add vuejs component into column renderer.
by kingquattro ·$(document).ready(function() { .... ... dt = ..... function renderLibraryInfoColumn(data, row) { str = `<div> <