Using tabs to toggle column visibility
by allan ·Exactly as @bindrid says - use the Bootstrap tab events to call the columns().visible() method. -
Click event in column header never fired
by kthorngren ·$('#tabs-3').on( 'click', 'table thead th', function () { -
Knockout and datatables initComplete option
by demarily ·* <a rel="nofollow" href="#tabs-0" data-status="all">All</a> -
Knockout and datatables initComplete option
by demarily ·// Show tabs for the datatable. $('#tabs').tabs({ // Handle setting the names of the tabs. create: function (e, ui) { $.each($('.assignments-tab' -
remove duplicate values....
by subbun ·window.location.hash = "#tabs"; -
(DataTables and Jquery UI tabs) is showing double search button and pagging
by mikefarrel7 ·$("#tabs").tabs({ -
vertical scroll bar only showing up on one table.
by DacHoliday ·$(document).ready(function() { $("#tabs").tabs( { "activate": function(event, ui) { var table = $.fn.dataTable.fnTables(true); if ( table.length > 0 ) { $(ta -
newbie, trying to get table tools to work.
by DacHoliday ·13 * <a rel="nofollow" href="#tabs-1">Search Results (<%= @results.count %>)</a> -
newbie, trying to get table tools to work.
by DacHoliday ·renamed my #tabs div and #table.display to match the new table name.. -
newbie, trying to get table tools to work.
by DacHoliday ·$("#tabs").tabs( { -
newbie, trying to get table tools to work.
by DacHoliday ·$("#tabs").tabs( { -
How to make DataTables responsive inside jQuery tabs?
by joaorodr84 ·/* Recalculates the size of the resposive DataTable */ function recalculateDataTableResponsiveSize() { $($.fn.dataTable.tables(true)).DataTable().responsive.recalc(); } $('#tabs').tabs({ acti -
Reinitialise table error
by sabiha ·$( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active", 3 ); -
Is there an easy way to change the value of the tfoot?
by Geoffrey ·function afficher_document_pour_num_iple(num_iple) { $("#tabs").tabs({active: 4}); $("div#onglet_documentation.ui-tabs-panel.ui-widget-content.ui-corner-bottom table.cell-border -
Can we have "freeze" view for large table
by wlin98004 ·$('#tabs').tabs({ activate: function(event, ui) { // do column adjustment for the active table. $.fn.dataTable.tables( {visible: true, api: true} ).columns.adjust(); } }); -
ScrollX and large window = issue, how to fix it ?
by Geoffrey ·$( "#tabs" ).tabs({ activate: function () { $(window).resize(); table_liste_materiel.columns.adjust(); table_liste_alerte.columns.adjust(); } }); -
Search on hidden columns not working
by henrywood ·$("#tabs").tabs({ activate: function(event, ui){ //console.log(event); //alert(ui.newTab.index()); switch(ui.newTab.index()) { -
Is it possible to register an event handler for a tabletools button?
by bitDoctor ·BTW, I was able to find my error. My $( "#tabs" ).tabs(); was out of scope inside the fnClick() function. I am now using a reference which is scope. Thank you for all of your assistance! -
Is it possible to register an event handler for a tabletools button?
by bitDoctor ·$( "#tabs" ).find( ".ui-tabs-nav" ) .append('* <a rel="nofollow" href="#Chart" data-url="/chart_line_graph.php">Chart Data</a> -
Not able to do ajax.url().load() on multiple Tables
by jfr ·jQuery(function() { jQuery("#tabs").tabs({ active: 0, activate: function( event, ui ) { activeTab = ui.newPanel.selector; if (