How a add a class to the last row of every page ?
by allan ·#table_id tbody tr:last-child { background-color: red } -
Getting scrollHeight once table is drawn
by sbarnett ·If I print it's value out after the call to $('#table_id').dataTable()) it's value seems to still be the height of the body from BEFORE the table was loaded. -
datatables and jsrender templates (previously jquery templates)
by jeggleston ·$('#table_id').dataTable(); -
Using DataTables without thead tag. Perform sorting and filtering via dropdown menu with ui li tags.
by kunal ·So I made a call using setTimeOut() function with 500ms timer, and I found that the datatable is applied. But instead of showing 10 rows in default mode [code] $('#table_id').dataTable();[/code], it i -
Using DataTables without thead tag. Perform sorting and filtering via dropdown menu with ui li tags.
by kunal ·bDestroy: true. I am calling [code] oTable = $('#table_id').dataTable(); [/code] after finishing all the ajax calls and building the table to initialize datatables. In this case, dataTables is not ge -
Using DataTables without thead tag. Perform sorting and filtering via dropdown menu with ui li tags.
by GregP ·Why bDestroy: true? I've never used that parameter, but my understanding of it is that if the selector matches (I'm assuming you have a #table_id) it will be destroyed and replaced with a new table ma -
Using DataTables without thead tag. Perform sorting and filtering via dropdown menu with ui li tags.
by kunal ·[code] var oTable = $('#table_id').dataTable({ -
click event highlighting not working [solved]
by H2wk ·oTable = $("#table_id").dataTable({ -
click event highlighting not working [solved]
by H2wk ·oTable = $("#table_id").dataTable({ -
click event highlighting not working [solved]
by allan ·$('#table_id tbody tr').live('click', function () { -
click event highlighting not working [solved]
by H2wk ·$('#table_id tbody tr').click(function () { -
DATATABLE select row issue [Solved]
by H2wk ·$('#table_id tbody tr').click(function () { -
Plug in conflict
by alexfvolk ·$("#table_id").dataTable({ -
Fixed header and dynamic width
by bennmeyers ·$('#table_id').dataTable({ -
Empty column names populating
by matenwego ·$('#table_id').dataTable({ -
Using AJAX - I can't use an specific TR class
by online ·var oTable = $('#table_id').dataTable( { -
Using AJAX - I can't use an specific TR class
by fbas ·var oTable = $('#table_id').dataTable( { -
[Docs] fnRowCallback: example incorrect?
by online ·var oTable = $('#table_id').dataTable( { -
Using AJAX - I can't use an specific TR class
by online ·var oTable = $('#table_id').dataTable( { -
multiple tables + AJAX update + filtering
by fbas ·$('#table_id').fnFilter(...);