FixedCols 2.0 eats my first column.
by fbas ·I don't expect you to debug my code, but help is always appreciated. I particularly want to get item #2 working (the reg ex in fnFilter on my tri-state checkboxes). -
Column width not refreshed after Ajax load.
by NigelRMurray ·3. Continuing from #2 above, request a tab load using $('#tabs').tabs('load', 8). Now the datatable once again takes up the entire width of the window. -
Using Search Feature
by hurrells ·...continuing along in the theme of Thread#289... -
Hide page and search controls for empty tables
by Shown ·EDIT#2: with the help of a global var to know the state of initialization of table, the fnDrawCallback did the job. And it was really easy to use! -
variable columns and a collapsible row grouping
by bigdaddyv ·The user would be presented with two rows of data... "children" on row #1 and "gardening" on row #2. Upon expanding one or the other, the rows for that grouping would be shown. -
sums of columns with ColReorder and ColVis
by MikeS ·I'm particularly interested in seeing a solution to your problem #2. Like you, I use the table footer to show summary values for numeric columns (Min, Max, Avg, etc). All works well for me until colum -
Hiding rows that don't have data
by dmolavi ·Edit to add #2: -
Double Click on Rows not working after fnFilter usage
by Gangadhar ·border: 1px solid #254a8b; -
[closed]Unexpected number of TD elements. Expected 25 and got 24
by CasperTDk ·DataTables warning (table id = 'GridView1'): Unexpected number of TD elements. Expected 25 and got 24. DataTables does not support rowspan / colspan in the table body, and there must be one cell for … -
jQuery UI "Progressbar" in column
by GregP ·Actually, a few moments of experiments later, and #2 is really going to be the way to fly. #1 can result in a rendering 'blip' as the column comes in as text and is quickly updated to be a bar. It occ -
jQuery UI "Progressbar" in column
by GregP ·#2 seems like it SHOULD be the easier one, but I don't know how to tell DataTables to add "ui-progressbar" to the TD element in a given column. -
How to make button blur when using "sPaginationType": "full_numbers"
by jkadakia ·background-color:#26B; -
Receiving some "Objects" with server-side processing
by franquis ·{"sEcho": 1, "iTotalRecords": 240, "iTotalDisplayRecords": 240, "aaData": [ ["#1","#2",{"vendor":"cc","version" -
IE8 Performance Issues x+1
by tioz ·#2 changing the "innerHTML" in line -
Arbitrarily fnOpen() a specific row (using ID) - how?
by shamufish ·$('#tasks').dataTable().fnOpen( $('#2083').get(0), 'hello', "details_row" ); -
Arbitrarily fnOpen() a specific row (using ID) - how?
by shamufish ·$('#2083').html(); -
Problems with table growth out of div with filter edits, or sorting, and double tall headers
by ghowland ·I'm good on #2 and #3, but #1 is a show stopper. Any ideas? If not, I'll post the new version to the test link when I get home tonight. -
Problems with table growth out of div with filter edits, or sorting, and double tall headers
by ghowland ·Oh yeah, only the "" machine has graphs to list, so you need to check that one, or Select All, to see the issue #2. -
CSS class wrapping questions
by netaisllc ·3. Ditto #2 for the Info and Paginate areas. -
Problem with FixedHeader when header has multiple rows
by rcwalsh ·However, I won't need multiple header rows if I can figure out what you mentioned in #2. I've tried a bit of event.stopPropagation and haven't had luck yet but will keep trying.