How do you implement Quill?
by rmeetin ·data[row_21][item] item+#2 -
Problem with Toggle Buttons
by Mauro26 ·#if($bHasAuthFinance) { "sTitle": "$!strTotalVal", "sClass": "thsorting thcentered tdright", "iDataSort": 7, "bExport" -
Non Display of Alphabet Bar
by kthorngren ·div.alphabet span { background-color: #2a303c; display: table-cell; color: #ffffff; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; width: 3.7037%; border-left: 2px solid #d2d6df; border-right: 2 -
Excel problems speed etc
by kthorngren ·Looks like you are using data.replace(',', '.'). Are you saying this isn't working? Without being able to see an example with your data its hard to say what the problem might be. Can you provide a -
UTF-8 Charset problem at input | ASP.NET MVC
by verity ·'ABCß' turns into 'ABC&#223' -
Select with a label that includes information from two different tables.
by Gargiucn ·Object(DataTables\Editor), '0') #2 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\test\php\Editor.php(996): DataTables\Editor->validate(Array, Array) #3 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\test\php\Editor.php(683): DataTables\Editor-& -
.NET Server-Side Validation, Conditional Set Values, Triggers and Compound Keys
by ryetgr ·8/10 #2 Conditional .SetValue Server-Side (because code becomes much simpler and cleaner) -
How to change header colour
by colin ·customize: function (doc) { doc.content[1].table.widths = Array(doc.content[1].table.body[0].length + 1).join('*').split(''); doc.content[1].table.body[0].forEach(function (h) { -
How to change header colour
by Kylar ·color: '#2D1D10', fontSize: '16', alignment: 'center' -
Left Join - left field - delay between date
by ocin35 ·for questions #2 and #3: solution found -
Editor Not Saving when enter pressed
by saee2838 ·DataTables\Editor->_insert(Array) #2 public_html/includes/datatableseditor/php/Editor/Editor.php(689): DataTables\Editor->_process(Array) #3 public_html/includes/datatableseditor/exampl -
Editor: German special characters converted into html special characters
by Feraud ·when persisting a string in German like this "100 Stück" (= 100 pieces) the persisted string is 100 Stück. I am searching for way to tell to tell the editor or whatever object it ne -
Upload Function - A server error occurred while uploading the file
by akp982 ·_process(Array)">_process(Array)" href="#2-C:\inetpub\CommsScreens\Admin\php\lib\Editor\Editor.php(661):-DataTables\Editor->_process(Array)">2 C:\inetpub\Comms -
Textbox encoding
by allan ·Can you convert your database to be UTF8? That would be the best option if possible. -
Textbox encoding
by robsreich ·{"draw":null,"data":[{"DT_RowId":"row_6","tooltype":"æ","toolname":"æ","modell":"&# -
scroller extension / server side processing - data jumps after reloading
by jents ·If I scroll slowly, new data records are requested when record #46 comes into view, but it scrolls back to view record #23. -
Cannot edit fixed columns
by PIKSTANG ·Regarding #2, yes, I've noticed the focus goes into the host table. When I hid the fixed column layer, I can see the editing works fine in the host table. I even saw a call in KeyTable that updates -
table resize fails on Android/Chrome when device rotates
by mark1d ·Scroll the table so that the top row is ID #24. -
DataTables Server-Side rendering data but adding "No matching records found" at the last row
by jrivera0192 ·The data renders as follows (I'm showing page #2 for img size purposes): -
Upgrading to Editor 1.8.0
by James12345 ·I am trying to upgrade from 1.7.4 to 1.8.0 using the PHP version. I am using IIS 10 and MS SQL server. I am removing my current Editor php folder and copying in the new folder copying the files an…