/*! FixedHeader 3.1.6 * ©2009-2019 SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license */ /** * @summary FixedHeader * @description Fix a table's header or footer, so it is always visible while * scrolling * @version 3.1.6 * @file dataTables.fixedHeader.js * @author SpryMedia Ltd (www.sprymedia.co.uk) * @contact www.sprymedia.co.uk/contact * @copyright Copyright 2009-2019 SpryMedia Ltd. * * This source file is free software, available under the following license: * MIT license - http://datatables.net/license/mit * * This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license files for details. * * For details please refer to: http://www.datatables.net */ (function( factory ){ if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) { // AMD define( ['jquery', 'datatables.net'], function ( $ ) { return factory( $, window, document ); } ); } else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) { // CommonJS module.exports = function (root, $) { if ( ! root ) { root = window; } if ( ! $ || ! $.fn.dataTable ) { $ = require('datatables.net')(root, $).$; } return factory( $, root, root.document ); }; } else { // Browser factory( jQuery, window, document ); } }(function( $, window, document, undefined ) { 'use strict'; var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable; var _instCounter = 0; var FixedHeader = function ( dt, config ) { // Sanity check - you just know it will happen if ( ! (this instanceof FixedHeader) ) { throw "FixedHeader must be initialised with the 'new' keyword."; } // Allow a boolean true for defaults if ( config === true ) { config = {}; } dt = new DataTable.Api( dt ); this.c = $.extend( true, {}, FixedHeader.defaults, config ); this.s = { dt: dt, position: { theadTop: 0, tbodyTop: 0, tfootTop: 0, tfootBottom: 0, width: 0, left: 0, tfootHeight: 0, theadHeight: 0, windowHeight: window.innerHeight, //$(window).height(), visible: true }, headerMode: null, footerMode: null, autoWidth: dt.settings()[0].oFeatures.bAutoWidth, namespace: '.dtfc'+(_instCounter++), scrollLeft: { header: -1, footer: -1 }, enable: true, scrollX: false, fixedColumn: false, }; this.dom = { floatingHeader: null, thead: $(dt.table().header()), tbody: $(dt.table().body()), tfoot: $(dt.table().footer()), header: { host: null, floating: null, placeholder: null }, footer: { host: null, floating: null, placeholder: null } }; //change reference for ScrollX var scrolledHeader = this.dom.thead.closest('.dataTables_scrollHead'); if (scrolledHeader.length > 0) { this.dom.thead = scrolledHeader; this.s.scrollX = true } var scrolledFooter = this.dom.tfoot.closest('.dataTables_scrollFoot'); if (scrolledFooter.length > 0) { this.dom.tfoot = scrolledFooter; this.s.scrollX = true } var scrolledBody = this.dom.tbody.closest('.dataTables_scrollBody'); if (scrolledBody.length > 0) { this.dom.tbody = scrolledBody; this.s.scrollX = true } this.dom.header.host = this.dom.thead.parent(); this.dom.footer.host = this.dom.tfoot.parent(); var dtSettings = dt.settings()[0]; if ( dtSettings._fixedHeader ) { throw "FixedHeader already initialised on table "+dtSettings.nTable.id; } dtSettings._fixedHeader = this; this._constructor(); }; /* * Variable: FixedHeader * Purpose: Prototype for FixedHeader * Scope: global */ $.extend( FixedHeader.prototype, { /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * API methods */ /** * Kill off FH and any events */ destroy: function () { this.s.dt.off( '.dtfc' ); $(window).off( this.s.namespace ); if ( this.c.header ) { this._modeChange( 'in-place', 'header', true ); } if ( this.c.footer && this.dom.tfoot.length ) { this._modeChange( 'in-place', 'footer', true ); } }, /** * Enable / disable the fixed elements * * @param {boolean} enable `true` to enable, `false` to disable */ enable: function ( enable, update ) { this.s.enable = enable; if ( update || update === undefined ) { this._positions(); this._scroll( true ); } }, /** * Get enabled status */ enabled: function () { return this.s.enable; }, /** * Set header offset * * @param {int} new value for headerOffset */ headerOffset: function ( offset ) { if ( offset !== undefined ) { this.c.headerOffset = offset; this.update(); } return this.c.headerOffset; }, /** * Set footer offset * * @param {int} new value for footerOffset */ footerOffset: function ( offset ) { if ( offset !== undefined ) { this.c.footerOffset = offset; this.update(); } return this.c.footerOffset; }, /** * Recalculate the position of the fixed elements and force them into place */ update: function () { var table = this.s.dt.table().node(); if ( $(table).is(':visible') ) { this.enable( true, false ); } else { this.enable( false, false ); } this._positions(); this._scroll( true ); }, /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructor */ /** * FixedHeader constructor - adding the required event listeners and * simple initialisation * * @private */ _constructor: function () { var that = this; var dt = this.s.dt; $(window) .on( 'scroll'+this.s.namespace, function () { that._scroll(); } ) .on( 'resize'+this.s.namespace, DataTable.util.throttle( function () { that.s.position.windowHeight = window.innerHeight; //$(window).height(); that.update(); }, 50 ) ); var autoHeader = $('.fh-fixedHeader'); if ( ! this.c.headerOffset && autoHeader.length ) { this.c.headerOffset = autoHeader.outerHeight(); } var autoFooter = $('.fh-fixedFooter'); if ( ! this.c.footerOffset && autoFooter.length ) { this.c.footerOffset = autoFooter.outerHeight(); } dt.on( 'column-reorder.dt.dtfc column-visibility.dt.dtfc draw.dt.dtfc column-sizing.dt.dtfc responsive-display.dt.dtfc', function () { that.update(); } ); dt.on( 'destroy.dtfc', function () { that.destroy(); } ); this._positions(); this._scroll(); }, /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private methods */ /** * Clone a fixed item to act as a place holder for the original element * which is moved into a clone of the table element, and moved around the * document to give the fixed effect. * * @param {string} item 'header' or 'footer' * @param {boolean} force Force the clone to happen, or allow automatic * decision (reuse existing if available) * @private */ _clone: function ( item, force ) { var dt = this.s.dt; var itemDom = this.dom[ item ]; if ( ! force && itemDom.floating ) { // existing floating element - reuse it itemDom.floating.removeClass( 'fixedHeader-floating fixedHeader-locked' ); } else { if (itemDom.floating) { if (itemDom.placeholder) { itemDom.placeholder.remove(); } this._unsize( item ); itemDom.floating.children().detach(); itemDom.floating.remove(); } var itemElement = item === 'header' ? this.dom.thead : this.dom.tfoot; if (this.s.scrollX) { itemDom.floating = itemElement.clone() .width(itemElement.width()) .css('position', 'fixed') .css('overflow', 'hidden') .addClass("fixedHeader-floating") .appendTo('body'); //Add the fixedColumn var fixedColumnRight = $(dt.table().container()).find('.DTFC_RightWrapper'); if (fixedColumnRight.length > 0) { this.s.fixedColumn = true } var fixedColumnLeft = $(dt.table().container()).find('.DTFC_LeftWrapper'); if (fixedColumnLeft.length > 0) { this.s.fixedColumn = true } if (this.s.fixedColumn) { itemDom.floating.append( $(fixedColumnLeft[0].cloneNode(false)).append( (fixedColumnLeft.find(item === 'header' ? '.DTFC_LeftHeadWrapper' : '.DTFC_LeftFootWrapper')).clone() .css('top', '0px') ) ); itemDom.floating.append( $(fixedColumnRight[0].cloneNode(false)).append( (fixedColumnRight.find(item === 'header' ? '.DTFC_RightHeadWrapper' : '.DTFC_RightFootWrapper')).clone() .css('top', '0px') ) ); } var fixedInner; if (item === 'header') { fixedInner = itemDom.floating.find('.dataTables_scrollHeadInner'); } else { fixedInner = itemDom.floating.find('.dataTables_scrollFootInner'); } fixedInner.css('position', 'relative'); fixedInner.css('left', - $(dt.table().container()).find('.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollLeft() + 'px'); $(dt.table().container()).find('.dataTables_scrollBody').on('scroll', function () { fixedInner.css('left', - $(this).scrollLeft() + 'px'); }); } else { itemDom.floating = $(dt.table().node().cloneNode(false)) .css('table-layout', 'fixed') .attr('aria-hidden', 'true') .removeAttr('id') .append(itemElement.clone()) .appendTo('body'); this._matchWidths(dt.table().node(), itemDom.floating); } } }, /** * Copy widths from the cells in one element to another. This is required * for the footer as the footer in the main table takes its sizes from the * header columns. That isn't present in the footer so to have it still * align correctly, the sizes need to be copied over. It is also required * for the header when auto width is not enabled * * @param {jQuery} from Copy widths from * @param {jQuery} to Copy widths to * @private */ _matchWidths: function ( from, to ) { var get = function ( name ) { return $(name, from) .map( function () { return $(this).width(); } ).toArray(); }; var set = function ( name, toWidths ) { $(name, to).each( function ( i ) { $(this).css( { width: toWidths[i], minWidth: toWidths[i] } ); } ); }; var thWidths = get( 'th' ); var tdWidths = get( 'td' ); set( 'th', thWidths ); set( 'td', tdWidths ); }, /** * Remove assigned widths from the cells in an element. This is required * when inserting the footer back into the main table so the size is defined * by the header columns and also when auto width is disabled in the * DataTable. * * @param {string} item The `header` or `footer` * @private */ _unsize: function ( item ) { var el = this.dom[ item ].floating; if ( el && (item === 'footer' || (item === 'header' && ! this.s.autoWidth)) ) { $('th, td', el).css( { width: '', minWidth: '' } ); } else if ( el && item === 'header' ) { $('th, td', el).css( 'min-width', '' ); } }, /** * Reposition the floating elements to take account of horizontal page * scroll * * @param {string} item The `header` or `footer` * @param {int} scrollLeft Document scrollLeft * @private */ _horizontal: function ( item, scrollLeft ) { var itemDom = this.dom[ item ]; var position = this.s.position; var lastScrollLeft = this.s.scrollLeft; if ( itemDom.floating && lastScrollLeft[ item ] !== scrollLeft ) { itemDom.floating.css( 'left', position.left - scrollLeft ); lastScrollLeft[ item ] = scrollLeft; } }, /** * Change from one display mode to another. Each fixed item can be in one * of: * * * `in-place` - In the main DataTable * * `in` - Floating over the DataTable * * `below` - (Header only) Fixed to the bottom of the table body * * `above` - (Footer only) Fixed to the top of the table body * * @param {string} mode Mode that the item should be shown in * @param {string} item 'header' or 'footer' * @param {boolean} forceChange Force a redraw of the mode, even if already * in that mode. * @private */ _modeChange: function ( mode, item, forceChange ) { var dt = this.s.dt; var itemDom = this.dom[ item ]; var position = this.s.position; // Record focus. Browser's will cause input elements to loose focus if // they are inserted else where in the doc var tablePart = this.dom[ item==='footer' ? 'tfoot' : 'thead' ]; var focus = $.contains( tablePart[0], document.activeElement ) ? document.activeElement : null; if ( focus ) { focus.blur(); } if ( mode === 'in-place' ) { // Insert the header back into the table's real header //if ( itemDom.placeholder ) { // itemDom.placeholder.remove(); // itemDom.placeholder = null; //} this._unsize( item ); //if ( item === 'header' ) { // itemDom.host.prepend( tablePart ); //} //else { // itemDom.host.append( tablePart ); //} if ( itemDom.floating ) { itemDom.floating.remove(); itemDom.floating = null; } } else if ( mode === 'in' ) { // Remove the header from the read header and insert into a fixed // positioned floating table clone this._clone( item, forceChange ); itemDom.floating .addClass('fixedHeader-floating') .css(item === 'header' ? 'top' : 'bottom', this.c[item + 'Offset']) .css('left', position.left + 'px') .css('width', position.width + 'px'); if ( item === 'footer' ) { itemDom.floating.css( 'top', '' ); } } else if ( mode === 'below' ) { // only used for the header // Fix the position of the floating header at base of the table body this._clone( item, forceChange ); itemDom.floating .addClass( 'fixedHeader-locked' ) .css( 'top', position.tfootTop - position.theadHeight ) .css( 'left', position.left+'px' ) .css('width', position.width + 'px'); } else if ( mode === 'above' ) { // only used for the footer // Fix the position of the floating footer at top of the table body this._clone( item, forceChange ); itemDom.floating .addClass( 'fixedHeader-locked' ) .css( 'top', position.tbodyTop ) .css( 'left', position.left+'px' ) .css( 'width', position.width+'px' ); } // Restore focus if it was lost if ( focus && focus !== document.activeElement ) { setTimeout( function () { focus.focus(); }, 10 ); } this.s.scrollLeft.header = -1; this.s.scrollLeft.footer = -1; this.s[item+'Mode'] = mode; }, /** * Cache the positional information that is required for the mode * calculations that FixedHeader performs. * * @private */ _positions: function () { var dt = this.s.dt; var table = dt.table(); var position = this.s.position; var dom = this.dom; var tableNode = $(table.node()); // Need to use the header and footer that are in the main table, // regardless of if they are clones, since they hold the positions we // want to measure from // var thead = $(table.container()).find('thead:eq(0)'); //var tfoot = tableNode.children('tfoot'); // var tbody = dom.tbody; var thead = dom.thead; var tbody = dom.tbody; var tfoot = dom.tfoot; position.visible = tableNode.is(':visible'); position.width = tbody.outerWidth(); position.left = tbody.offset().left; position.theadTop = thead.offset().top; position.tbodyTop = tbody.offset().top; position.tbodyHeight = tbody.outerHeight(); position.theadHeight = position.tbodyTop - position.theadTop; if ( tfoot.length ) { position.tfootTop = tfoot.offset().top; position.tfootBottom = position.tfootTop + tfoot.outerHeight(); position.tfootHeight = position.tfootBottom - position.tfootTop; } else { position.tfootTop = position.tbodyTop + tbody.outerHeight(); position.tfootBottom = position.tfootTop; position.tfootHeight = position.tfootTop; } }, /** * Mode calculation - determine what mode the fixed items should be placed * into. * * @param {boolean} forceChange Force a redraw of the mode, even if already * in that mode. * @private */ _scroll: function ( forceChange ) { var windowTop = $(document).scrollTop(); var windowLeft = $(document).scrollLeft(); var position = this.s.position; var headerMode, footerMode; if ( this.c.header ) { if ( ! this.s.enable ) { headerMode = 'in-place'; } else if ( ! position.visible || windowTop <= position.theadTop - this.c.headerOffset ) { headerMode = 'in-place'; } else if ( windowTop <= position.tfootTop - position.theadHeight - this.c.headerOffset ) { headerMode = 'in'; } else { headerMode = 'below'; } if ( forceChange || headerMode !== this.s.headerMode ) { this._modeChange( headerMode, 'header', forceChange ); } this._horizontal( 'header', windowLeft ); } if ( this.c.footer && this.dom.tfoot.length ) { if ( ! this.s.enable ) { headerMode = 'in-place'; } else if ( ! position.visible || windowTop + position.windowHeight >= position.tfootBottom + this.c.footerOffset ) { footerMode = 'in-place'; } else if ( position.windowHeight + windowTop > position.tbodyTop + position.tfootHeight + this.c.footerOffset ) { footerMode = 'in'; } else { footerMode = 'above'; } if ( forceChange || footerMode !== this.s.footerMode ) { this._modeChange( footerMode, 'footer', forceChange ); } this._horizontal( 'footer', windowLeft ); } } } ); /** * Version * @type {String} * @static */ FixedHeader.version = "3.1.6"; /** * Defaults * @type {Object} * @static */ FixedHeader.defaults = { header: true, footer: false, headerOffset: 0, footerOffset: 0 }; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DataTables interfaces */ // Attach for constructor access $.fn.dataTable.FixedHeader = FixedHeader; $.fn.DataTable.FixedHeader = FixedHeader; // DataTables creation - check if the FixedHeader option has been defined on the // table and if so, initialise $(document).on( 'init.dt.dtfh', function (e, settings, json) { if ( e.namespace !== 'dt' ) { return; } var init = settings.oInit.fixedHeader; var defaults = DataTable.defaults.fixedHeader; if ( (init || defaults) && ! settings._fixedHeader ) { var opts = $.extend( {}, defaults, init ); if ( init !== false ) { new FixedHeader( settings, opts ); } } } ); // DataTables API methods DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader()', function () {} ); DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader.adjust()', function () { return this.iterator( 'table', function ( ctx ) { var fh = ctx._fixedHeader; if ( fh ) { fh.update(); } } ); } ); DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader.enable()', function ( flag ) { return this.iterator( 'table', function ( ctx ) { var fh = ctx._fixedHeader; flag = ( flag !== undefined ? flag : true ); if ( fh && flag !== fh.enabled() ) { fh.enable( flag ); } } ); } ); DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader.enabled()', function () { if ( this.context.length ) { var fx = this.content[0]._fixedHeader; if ( fh ) { return fh.enabled(); } } return false; } ); DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader.disable()', function ( ) { return this.iterator( 'table', function ( ctx ) { var fh = ctx._fixedHeader; if ( fh && fh.enabled() ) { fh.enable( false ); } } ); } ); $.each( ['header', 'footer'], function ( i, el ) { DataTable.Api.register( 'fixedHeader.'+el+'Offset()', function ( offset ) { var ctx = this.context; if ( offset === undefined ) { return ctx.length && ctx[0]._fixedHeader ? ctx[0]._fixedHeader[el +'Offset']() : undefined; } return this.iterator( 'table', function ( ctx ) { var fh = ctx._fixedHeader; if ( fh ) { fh[ el +'Offset' ]( offset ); } } ); } ); } ); return FixedHeader; }));