ajax.data and seach, style of writing
ajax.data and seach, style of writing

I checked this example to be able to do a search after init table (server side processing ): http://live.datatables.net/gelazeba/1/edit
I created this code
var urlI18n = '/i18n/' + '[(${#authentication.getPrincipal().getLang()})]' + '.json';
var url = "/search";
var tableConfig = {
"searching" : false,
'columns': [
{'data': 'id'},
{'data': 'buildDate'}
language: {
"url" : urlI18n
'bLengthChange': false, //hide 'show entries dropdown
'processing': true,
'serverSide': true,
'pagingType': 'simple_numbers',
'dom': 'tp',
var searchSamplingsResultsTable = $("#searchSamplingsResultsTable").DataTable(tableConfig);
$("#searchSamplingsResultsTable").on('click', function () {
"url" : url
var current = $('#searchSamplingsResultsTable').DataTable();
d.page = (current != undefined) ? current.page.info().page : 0;
d.size = (current != undefined) ? current.page.info().length : 5;
d.sort = d.columns[d.order[0].column].data + ',' + d.order[0].dir;
tableConfig.search = {
d.form = $("#searchSamplingsForm").serializeArray()
searchSamplingsResultsTable = $('#example').DataTable( tableConfig );
How I need to write tableConfig.ajax.data and tableConfig.search?
Seem like should be wrote with json style
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Hi @marcpirat ,
The problem with the example is that
is disabled, so no searching will take place. If you comment out that option, as I did here, the load works as expected.Cheers,
"searching" : false was there to remove the input for searching...
real problem is more about that
Hi @marcpirat ,
I'm not clear what the problem is! If you could link to a test page, and explain what the issue is, we can take a look,
I have a form for the search... user can search by many field, that why I created tableConfig.search.
In tableConfig.ajax.data, I try to do the bridge between frond end and backend, they don't use same name parameter.
with this code I get
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
This means you have a syntax error. The error is the way you are making the assignments within the curly braces
. This represents an object. Take a look at this page which explains how to make assignments within the{}
. Also take a look at the example you posted, the syntax is different than yours.Kevin
you not posted link...
for the link i posted they use a json style...
habitually i do
Sorry, here is the link:
The difference in your last example is you are not setting object values but using a function.
Cannot read property '0' of undefined
The problem is because
is trying to reference d (d.columns[d.order[0].column].data
) but d is an empty object on entry - see this here with debug.I want to use this way to connect data from sqlsrv source but not ajax / objects_root_array.txt, what should I do?
@rainkv - your question isn't very clear. I suggest you start a new thread and give a better explanation.