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A forum where users with priority support can ask questions.
56 discussions 266 comments Most recent: How to view underlying SQL string for NodeJS editor? by YOM on April 2024
Free DataTables forum for posting questions which can be answered by other users. For support direct from the DataTables developers priority support can be purchased, or access to the full forums.
24.4K discussions 81.7K comments Most recent: datatable.ajax.reload() ... any error handling options? by kthorngren on March 30
General discussions about using DataTables. Post how you are using it, suggestions, comments etc here - but please keep the discussion to DataTables - there are better places to go for general Javascript help!
This is the place for announcements of new releases and DataTables related news.
DataTables can add significant new features and abilities between major versions. As such, each major release has its own forum category where you can ask questions specifically about that release. This is a container category for all sub-categories.
2.6K discussions 10.3K comments Most recent: Moving from 1.10 to 2.2 seems like there is no "sPaginationType": "listbox" by luisrortega on March 30
Discussions for DataTables 2.
103 discussions 537 comments Most recent: Moving from 1.10 to 2.2 seems like there is no "sPaginationType": "listbox" by luisrortega on March 30
Discussions relating to the 1.10 series of DataTables releases.
1.3K discussions 5.6K comments Most recent: Download API when using server side processing by NoBullMan on March 7
Discussion for the DataTables 1.9 betas and release
92 discussions 395 comments Most recent: How do I do calculated fields on the server of a record being created or updated? by mike92117 on July 2024
Discussion about the 1.8 release of DataTables
35 discussions 114 comments Most recent: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'bootstrap') by allan on February 2024
Our community forum for discussions about CloudTables - the low-code database solution.
9 discussions 27 comments Most recent: Does anyone have code to intercept the CT popup closure if there has been a change in form data by allan on July 2023
Support discussions about the Editor plug-in for DataTables.
2.2K discussions 9.6K comments Most recent: editor PHP mysql function and join by rf1234 on March 27
Extensions for DataTables can greatly increase the flexibility of the core software. This category is a container for the various extensions that are available as part of the DataTables core project.
2.8K discussions 11.6K comments Most recent: sticky headers lose their position by allan on March 30
AutoFill adds an Excel-like click and drag box to the cells in a DataTable which can be used to extend the data from a single cell over multiple rows and/or columns. The discussions in this category relate to AutoFill.
20 discussions 63 comments Most recent: Autofill together with input form by colin on September 2021
Discussions about the Buttons extension for DataTables.
313 discussions 1.2K comments Most recent: Can PDFmake be updated to the latest version v0.2.x without any problems? by allan on March 28
ColVis adds a list of buttons to a DataTable, one for each column (or optionally a single button can control a selected group of columns) which controls the visibility of that column. This allows the end user to select the data set that they want to view. The discussions in this category relate to ColVis.
FixedColumns adds the ability to fix one or more columns to the left or right extremes of a scrolling container, helping to provide context to the end user when viewing large data sets. The discussions in this category relate to FixedColumns.
The place to discuss the ins and outs of FixedHeader, including integration and bugs.
ColReorder adds the ability for the end user to customise the order that the table columns appear through a click-and-drag operation. Discussions in this category relate to ColReorder.
33 discussions 133 comments Most recent: YADCF with searchBuilder - ColReorder error when dynamic data by OnLog on January 3
The place to discuss integration, features, bugs etc for the KeyTable plug-in / application.
31 discussions 111 comments Most recent: Whay can I not disable keys on click evet? by OnLog on December 2024
Discussions about the Responsive extension for DataTables.
104 discussions 364 comments Most recent: DT v2 + responsive v3 issue when initialising a hidden table by kthorngren on December 2024
Scroller is a virtual rendering plug-in for DataTables which allows large datasets to be drawn on screen every quickly. The scrolling viewport appears to the end user as if the full data set is available, but as an optimisation, only the part visible is actually draw. The discussions in the category relate to Scroller.
166 discussions 702 comments Most recent: Elaborate on searchBuilderType + serverSide by kthorngren on January 6
Discussions relating to the SearchPanes extension for DataTables.
198 discussions 861 comments Most recent: SearchPanes > ServerSide > Requested Data by allan on March 17
Discussions about the Select extension for DataTables.
107 discussions 409 comments Most recent: How to Deselect removed rows after Serverside CRUD operation by allan on December 2024
26 discussions 174 comments Most recent: What would cause the dropdown for savedStates to be empty by ksmith on June 2024
The place to discuss all aspects of TableTools, including integration and bug reports.
22 discussions 100 comments Most recent: Column control Values are not updating by HamzaAhmad0305 on February 2022
Any bugs which are found in DataTables can be reported here. Please ensure you detail the bug as much as possible and include information such as which browser you are using.
220 discussions 960 comments Most recent: Headers are misaligned with scrollX: true by allan on January 9
If you think of something that DataTables doesn't do, that you think it could or should, please post in here!
The place for plug-in developers and those interested in seeing an idea developed.
100 discussions 366 comments Most recent: Fuzzy Search not working with Numbers by jmccolgan93 on September 2024
Discussion about blog posts
11 discussions 204 comments Most recent: Blog: Parent / child editing in child, No Data in example? by allan on February 2024
Discussions relating to the pages hosted on, including any sub-domain. Feature requests, bug reports, comments.