I have been given a task to move certain data to datatable.
I have been given a task to move certain data to datatable.

The table definition is filtering but immediately I move in the data using a strconcatstream object, datable becomes inactive. Please find my code below table body:
for c = 0 to record_total
ls.add "<tr>"
ThisBrandID = RecArr(0,c)
ThisBrand = RecArr(1,c)
Col2 = cdbl(RecArr(2,c)) 'now 28
Col3 = cdbl(RecArr(3,c)) 'now 365
Col4 = cdbl(RecArr(4,c)) 'last 28/365
Col5 = cdbl(RecArr(5,c)) 'last 90/365
Col6 = cdbl(RecArr(6,c)) 'AOV
Col7 = cdbl(RecArr(7,c)) 'AOM
Col8 = cdbl(RecArr(8,c)) 'GM
Col9 = cdbl(RecArr(9,c)) 'MAX CPA
Col10 = cdbl(RecArr(10,c)) 'Stock �
Col11 = cdbl(RecArr(11,c)) 'Stock Days
Col12 = cdbl(RecArr(12,c)) '28 day sales last
Col13 = cdbl(RecArr(13,c)) '28 day sales prev
Col14 = cdbl(RecArr(14,c)) '28 day sales last year
Col15 = cdbl(RecArr(15,c)) '28 day growth on prev
Col16 = cdbl(RecArr(16,c)) '28 day growth on last year
Col17 = cdbl(RecArr(17,c)) '365 day trend, last
Col18 = cdbl(RecArr(18,c)) '365 day trend, last year
Col19 = cdbl(RecArr(19,c)) '365 day trend, growth
Col20 = cdbl(RecArr(20,c)) 'max orders per sku
Col21 = cdbl(RecArr(21,c)) 'value on order
Col22 = RecArr(22,c) 'next del date
Col23 = cdbl(RecArr(23,c)) 'days away
if col23 > 1000 then col23 = 999
Col24 = cdbl(RecArr(24,c)) 'any conf
Col25 = cdbl(RecArr(25,c)) 'brand
Col26 = cdbl(RecArr(26,c)) 'sales Oppo
Col27 = cdbl(RecArr(27,c)) '28 margin
Col28 = cdbl(RecArr(28,c)) 'nextorder
Col29 = cdbl(RecArr(29,c)) 'forward 7 %age
Col30 = cdbl(RecArr(30,c)) 'forward 7 value
Col31 = RecArr(31,c) 'next PO BI
monm = RecArr(32,c)
monlm = RecArr(33,c)
monpm = RecArr(34,c)
catroot = RecArr(35,c)
cattail = RecArr(36,c)
ShowThis = true
InstockPC_STYLE = ""
if InstockPC >= 95 then
InstockPC_STYLE = "color:green;font-weight:bold;"
elseif InstockPC >= 80 then
InstockPC_STYLE = "color:orange;font-weight:bold;"
elseif InstockPC < 80 then
InstockPC_STYLE = "color:red;font-weight:bold;"
end if
ShowCount = ShowCount + 1
HeadCounter = HeadCounter+1
if HeadCounter = HeadInterval then
HeadCounter = 0
end if
CMMTotal = CMMTotal + CMMVal
if SelPF = ThisPF then bg = "yellow"
if not PFDetailsShown then bg = swapbg()
ls.add "<tr onclick=""setHighlight('" & ThisBrandID & "', '" & bg & "');"" id=""PF_" &
ThisBrandID & """ style=""background:" & bg & """>"
ls.add "<td valign=top style=font-size:8pt;><nobr>"
'ls.add "<a target=""_BLANK"" href=""/web_utils/ppgf_utils/stock_audit.asp?
showSKU=" & ThisSKU & """>"
'ls.add "<img border=0 src=""/web_utils/images/magnifier.png"">"
ls.add catroot
ls.add "<a href=""?SortField=11"&tailstrsort&"&filterby='"&catroot&":'"">"
ls.add "<img border=0 title=""Filter to these depts""
ls.add "</a><br>"
ls.add cattail
ls.add "<a href=/web_utils/ppgf_utils/item_sales_dept.asp?
ls.add "<img border=0 title=""See Product Detail""
ls.add "</a>"
ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "<td align=middle valign=top>"
ls.add "<a target=""_BLANK""
ls.add ThisBrandID
ls.add """><img title=""View OOS detail report for this department""
style=""border:0;"" src=""/web_utils/images/box.png""></a>"
ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;"" valign=top>"
ls.add formatnumber(Col12,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = heatmapup(GrowthLow,GrowthHigh,Col15)
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatpercent(Col15,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = ""
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatvalue(monm,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = heatmapup(GrowthLow,GrowthHigh,Col16)
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatpercent(Col16,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = ""
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatvalue(monlm,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;"" valign=top>"
ls.add formatnumber(Col17,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = heatmapup(GrowthLow,GrowthHigh,Col19)
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatpercent(Col19,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = ""
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatvalue(monpm,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = heatmapup(AvailLow, AvailHigh,Col2)
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatpercent(Col2,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = heatmapup(AvailLow, AvailHigh,Col3)
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatpercent(Col3,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;"" valign=top>"
ls.add formatnumber(Col26,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = heatmapup(AvailLow, AvailHigh,Col4)
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatpercent(Col4,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = heatmapup(AvailLow, AvailHigh,Col5)
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatpercent(Col5,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = heatmapup(AvailLow, AvailHigh,Col29)
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add "<a target=""_BLANK"" href=""/web_utils/ppgf_utils/po/in_stock_forecast.asp?Submitbutton=LINK&SearchVal=" & ThisBrand & """>"
ls.add "<img border=0 src=""/web_utils/images/magnifier.png"">"
ls.add "</a> "
ls.add formatpercent(Col29,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;"" valign=top>"
ls.add formatnumber(Col30,0)
ls.add "</td>"
'ThisStyle = getColor(Col7)
'ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
'ls.add formatpercent(Col7,0)
'ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;"" valign=top>"
ls.add formatnumber(Col10,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;"" valign=top>"
ls.add formatnumber(Col11,0)
ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;"" valign=top>"
ls.add formatnumber(Col6,2)
ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;"" valign=top>"
ls.add formatnumber(Col7,2)
ls.add "</td>"
ThisStyle = heatmapup(MarginLow,MarginHigh,Col8)
ls.add "<td align=right style=""font-size:8pt;" & ThisStyle & """ valign=top>"
ls.add formatpercent(Col8,0)
ls.add "<a target=""_BLANK"" href=""/web_utils/ppgf_utils/pfid_margin.asp?nameX=" & ThisBrand& """>"
ls.add "<img border=0 src=""/web_utils/images/magnifier.png""></a>"
ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "<td align=right style=""xfont-size:8pt;font-weight:bold;"" valign=top>"
ls.add formatnumber(Col9,2)
ls.add "</td>"
ls.add "</tr>"
os= ls.value%>
<tbody id="promo">
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Hi @Yinka ,
Is this a DataTable issue? I can't see where you're initialising the table.
Hi @ Colin, its a datable issue. Before I put the above content, the table filters. If I write the string object value above to tbody tag the filtering disappears and just the just return table. Please what do you mean by where I initialise the table please found below the content of thead tag
<thead id="promo1">
<tr >
<th rowspan=3 colspan=2 valign=bottom>Category</th>
<th colspan=8 align=center valign=top>Sales Trends</th>
<th colspan=7 align=center valign=top>Sales value weighted stock availability</th>
<th colspan=2 rowspan =2 align=center valign=top>Stock</th>
<th colspan=4 align=center valign=top>PPC Figures</th>
DataTables needs to be initialised within JS code - I'm not seeing any JS code. We're happy to take a look, but as per the forum rules, please link to a test case - a test case that replicates the issue will ensure you'll get a quick and accurate response. Information on how to create a test case (if you aren't able to link to the page you are working on) is available here.
@Colin, I have found a way around the task. Thank you as always. Please, how can I close this request or there is no need to?