Date sort(ascending-descending) in data Table according to month and day but not work for year
Date sort(ascending-descending) in data Table according to month and day but not work for year

here I use date-eu.js for sorting but it doesn't work for sorting according to year,sorting work only for day and month
$.extend($.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, {
"date-eu-asc": function (a, b) {
if (a == '-') return 1;
else if (b == '-') return -1;
else {
var aDay = a.split('/')[0]
var aMonth = a.split('/')[1]
var aYear = a.split('/')[2]
var a = new Date(aMonth + "/" + aDay + "/" + aYear).getTime();
console.log("inisde..js a1"+a);
var bDay = b.split('/')[0]
var bMonth = b.split('/')[1]
var bYear = b.split('/')[2]
var b = new Date(bMonth + "/" + bDay + "/" + bYear).getTime();
console.log("inisde..js b1"+b);
return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0));
"date-eu-desc": function (a, b) {
if (a == '-') return 1;
else if (b == '-') return -1;
else {
var aDay = a.split('/')[0]
var aMonth = a.split('/')[1]
var aYear = a.split('/')[2]
var a = new Date(aMonth + "/" + aDay + "/" + aYear).getTime();
console.log("inisde..js a2"+a);
var bDay = b.split('/')[0]
var bMonth = b.split('/')[1]
var bYear = b.split('/')[2]
var b = new Date(bMonth + "/" + bDay + "/" + bYear).getTime();
console.log("inisde..js b2"+b);
return ((a < b) ? 1 : ((a > b) ? -1 : 0));
I want solution that its sort for day/month and also for year.In photo you can see current output, where date sorting according day/month not year
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I've not tried date-eu.js so not sure how it works. The recommeneded solution for properly sorting dates with Datatables is documented in this blog.
Yes,Kevin I tried this also but still its doesn't sort according to year as show in photo
Its hard to say without seeing an example of what you are doing. I used the solution in the blog in this example and it looks to be working. Maybe you can update the example to replicate your sorting issue.
Thank You Kevin.
Its's work fine.
Its work fine for MM/DD/YYYY but if date format changed to DD/MM/YYYY.
Sorting doesn't work properly.
Here I attach image for it
Did you change the format, for example
$.fn.dataTable.moment( 'DD/MM/YYYY' );
?I updated the test case to support both formats and added a second column with the day and month swapped:
If this doesn't help then please provide a test case so we can see what you are doing.
this link not open and give error
I want solution that work for any date format because according to system or city may be date format will be change.for this type of situation solution must be work.
I tried $.fn.dataTable.moment( 'DD/MM/YYYY' ); .But its not working properly. Its sort DD and MM in ascending and YYYY in descending.

Did you try the link again? Its working for me.
As mentioned before we will need to see a test case replicating the issue in order to help. Please post a link to your page or a test case so we can take a look.
Datatables will attempt to automatically detect the data type in each column as documented in the
. The docs state that the automatic date detection is a limited subset. Others can be added through plug-ins which is what you are doing.If you have data in the Start Date column that doesn't match the
format then, since not all data matches the format, Datatables will set the column type to text and sorting won't work as expected. Do you have other data in that column?Kevin
04/28/2019 is not DD/MM/YYYY.
I modified your test case here - it seems to be behaving how you want.
Good eye @tangerine . I haven't had enough coffee yet
Thank You .
its work.