How to get the data of row?
How to get the data of row?

in General
- When we click new button it's appearing light box with all the columns. once enter the data when i click create i want to catch all the data with column names ( same thing i need for edit and delete also). I tried with submit it's not working out. Please provide me any examples so that it will helps me to move forward.
- After adding data to the datatable when i modify the data of particular column. i want to get the data with column name. as of now i can able to get only data not column name.
- Is there anyway i can create instead lightbox(to enter data) we can show editable mode inside datatable only.
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For 1 and 2, you can use the events, such as
- the data is the fourth parameter.I don't follow 3, do you mean something like inline editing?
where i have to use submitComplete event. I have tried using inside editor it's not gettng fired. Can you please provide any working examples for this.
Here's an example of
- these behave the same assubmitComplete