Searchpannes / CascadePannes filtering wont work on last 2 pannes
Searchpannes / CascadePannes filtering wont work on last 2 pannes

I tried to create a testcase. But I do not know how to add my data but I hope it stores enough information to see what is wrong.
For some reason when I click in the filter of the first 5 and select one to filter it works and my table is showing the result but the last 2 wont filter the table. It says > No matching records found. Bu there are reccords as it does shows them in the pannes and counts them. But when I click on them there are no matching reccords. But this problem is not for the first 5 columns. Maybe there is something wrong in the statesave? I have nu clue what the problem is. There is also no error in the console. Just no matching reccords found.
What is going wrong here?
EDIT: The first and secoond filter is not working either.. so there are only 3 working filters in the pannes..
Hi @martin1223345 ,
I'll need to see a running test case to get to the bottom of this I'm afraid. If you can't get the live page to run could you send me a link to your page please?
Hey Sandy, thanks for responding. To acces it you need to be logged in. Is there a way we can msg privatly?
Yes, if you click on my name then there should be a message button within my profile. I'll send you a message just now as well and you might be able to access it that way!
Ok, found the problem myself. I had the folowing code in my columndefs.
{ "searchable": false, "targets": [0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21] },
When I comment that one out all pannes work, it seems you need to have the column you want pannes active on searchable. Is there a way to have them filterble in the pannes but not in the Searchbar?
Hi @martin1223345 ,
I'm afraid not at the moment. SearchPanes are a column search, so the columns have to be searchable for their search function to trigger on each respectively.
You can remove the searchbar by setting the
option and removing thef