how to export to pdf with utf-8 for hebrew table
how to export to pdf with utf-8 for hebrew table

hi... my table have hebrew in it
but exporting to pdf will cause question marks - what is the solution?
i have empty or [code] [/code] in a cell, export will have undefined instead: what can be done?
but exporting to pdf will cause question marks - what is the solution?
i have empty or [code] [/code] in a cell, export will have undefined instead: what can be done?
This discussion has been closed.
my table is in closed section for registered users only so it will be alittle problem.
what i can give you is a couple of hebrew string
data = ????
table = ????
forum = ?????
encoding = ?????
try these words in the code and see if it will be in the exported utf-8
i modified the tabletool.js so it will use window.print() and then close the print preview back to the original
do you think it will be fixable without my data?
i have sent you a message trou the contact form... can you contact me by mail i have something to send you
Any progress on this issue?
How can i include the RC version of alive PDF for UTF support and test it in this project?
One option might be to use the newer PurePDF library which does handle Unicode (with the correct font of course) but it makes the swf size massive (700K+) which is bonkers for a little SWF like TableTools.
I suspect the real answer is to look into the AlivePDF code and figure out what is going on, but I thank that will take rather a lot of work.
what are the chances to introduce SWF using PurePDF for those of us who are willing to implement it.