Fixing the top left cell when top and left headers are fixed.
Fixing the top left cell when top and left headers are fixed.

I'm using FixedHeader and it works nicely for what I want to do. I'm fixing the top header and also the left column (actually two left columns with a hack to the code), but when I scroll right, the whole top header scrolls along with the data. I want the left-most cell of the top header to be fixed, no matter how I scroll.
If I fiddle with the ZIndexes, then I can get it to stay put while scrolling left, but then it scrolls up/down instead.
Is there a way to stop the top left cell from scrolling at all?
I assume the code doesn't support that at the moment, so if you have pointers for what would need to change to fix it, I'd appreciate it.
If I fiddle with the ZIndexes, then I can get it to stay put while scrolling left, but then it scrolls up/down instead.
Is there a way to stop the top left cell from scrolling at all?
I assume the code doesn't support that at the moment, so if you have pointers for what would need to change to fix it, I'd appreciate it.
This discussion has been closed.
I've cloned the table another time like a combination of the "top" and "left" clones. i.e. I clone the thead and then remove the cells to the right of the ones I want fixed.
I set the zindex of this new clone to be greater than all the others.
I made a new _fnScrollTopLeft function based on _fnScrollFixedHeader and _fnScrollHorizontalLeft. It's pretty much a combination of those two functions.
In _fnUpdatePositions I call _fnScrollTopLeft.
Unfortunately this is not working for me. Does the approach sound reasonable? Or am I on the wrong track?
I have implemented this (at least, well enough for my application :-) ). Please see
It works for the top-left corner only, it works for the top_left.html demo, and it works for my application, but it doesn't work for the top_bottom_left_right demo. It looks like the width setting on the corner cells is wrong, but I don't know why.