declarative options via HTML markup (data attributes)
declarative options via HTML markup (data attributes)

While most of my DataTables instances use the same options, some have special needs (e.g. horizontal scrolling). For these I use with HTML5 data attributes to customize the initialization options:
In order to support these data attributes, my initialization currently looks like this:
var defaults = {
aLengthMenu: [[-1, 10, 25, 50, 100], ["all", 10, 25, 50, 100]],
iDisplayLength: -1,
$(".container table").each(function(i, node) {
var table = $(node),
options = {},
custom =;
$.each(custom, function(key, value) {
options[key] = value;
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
However, it seems like I might be reinventing the wheel here. Also, I'm not sure adding presentational attributes like that is really a good idea (particularly WRT to the "100%" value in this example).
Am I missing anything?
While most of my DataTables instances use the same options, some have special needs (e.g. horizontal scrolling). For these I use with HTML5 data attributes to customize the initialization options:
In order to support these data attributes, my initialization currently looks like this:
var defaults = {
aLengthMenu: [[-1, 10, 25, 50, 100], ["all", 10, 25, 50, 100]],
iDisplayLength: -1,
$(".container table").each(function(i, node) {
var table = $(node),
options = {},
custom =;
$.each(custom, function(key, value) {
options[key] = value;
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
However, it seems like I might be reinventing the wheel here. Also, I'm not sure adding presentational attributes like that is really a good idea (particularly WRT to the "100%" value in this example).
Am I missing anything?
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Yup this is a great idea. It has been floated a couple of times in the forum, but there has never been a complete solution presented. Its something I've fancied doing myself for quite a while, but never found time yet sadly, so that's for shoring your current solution :-).
The one thing I think that is missing at the moment is the column options - for that you might need to run through the TH elements in the header, parsing out the options. I wonder if it might be an idea to use the HTML 'data' attribute rather than adding random attributes to the markup.
ends up as
[code]options["sscrollx"] = "100%"[/code]
More generally though, I've become (more) skeptical as to whether this is a good idea, as it leads to tight coupling and presentational attributes. In the example above I think
would be more appropriate (semantic). However, that example might not be representative; there might be cases where data attributes are the best solution?