FixedHeader fixed left column in wrong position when elements are different heights
FixedHeader fixed left column in wrong position when elements are different heights

When FixedHeader is used with {'left':true} and the elements are different heights, the positioning of the left-most column can be wrong. See for an example. Apart from enabling FixedHeader for the example, all I did was change "Engine version" to "Engine
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
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Yup its a bug :-(. However, with your fine test case (thank you!) I've just committed a fix to FixedHeader for this :-).
You can get the very latest version ( - nightly) from the downloads page: . Your test case is using the nightly code, so that now works nicely (you might possibly need to clear your browser cache).
It's quite a great job you did!
But on one of your example with FixedHeader ( i found sad thing: left fixed column overflow fixed header.
Do you have any suggestions to fix it?
I'am using 2.1.0dev version
P.S. Keep on making DataTables better)