Table Tools Export why a Flash solution ?
Table Tools Export why a Flash solution ?

Simply amazed by the functionality Table Tools lends to Data Tables. My query here is why is the export functionality relying on flash ? Is there a pure javascript / jquery functionality ? Or will it be offered once the modern day browsers uniformly embrace the HTML5 standards ?
Simply amazed by the functionality Table Tools lends to Data Tables. My query here is why is the export functionality relying on flash ? Is there a pure javascript / jquery functionality ? Or will it be offered once the modern day browsers uniformly embrace the HTML5 standards ?
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I've looked at using data:// for file export in the past but it was for to limited in terms of file naming and browser support. And for copy to clipboard the only option really would be to open a new window with the raw data in a text area and have the end user do the copy command manually.
So as much as I love the moves with HTML5 and where it is going, it just doesn't provide the functionality I need in that area.
Thanks again for your helpful response