Except Print no other option is working when I run web application is HTTPS mode
Except Print no other option is working when I run web application is HTTPS mode

First of all I would like to say "Thanks a Ton" for this great tool!
I am being able to use all the features when I access application on webserver with http protocol. But when I access the same with HTTPS protocol, by enabling server running on HTTPS, on click of any other button except the Print and Copy to Clipboard I see a message "4 items remaining" without any further action at the bottom left corner of the IE. Copy to Clipboard is also not working!
FYI - I am using HTML table and on top of that I am applying DataTable concept.
Please guide!
First of all I would like to say "Thanks a Ton" for this great tool!
I am being able to use all the features when I access application on webserver with http protocol. But when I access the same with HTTPS protocol, by enabling server running on HTTPS, on click of any other button except the Print and Copy to Clipboard I see a message "4 items remaining" without any further action at the bottom left corner of the IE. Copy to Clipboard is also not working!
FYI - I am using HTML table and on top of that I am applying DataTable concept.
Please guide!
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Are you able to give us a link to the issue please? It sounds like the SWF is not loading - that might be because of your browser's security settings or because it is being loaded by http when the main page is https. That's the two reasons off the top of my head anyway!
Thank you very much for a quick response!
I am running my application in an Intranet. So from internet I believe it can not be accessed. Can you please guide me how to change the settings so that I can test the existing configuration with that..? Apart from that any other change in settings, if you think, is required then please suggest. I will try the same at my end.
Problem is I am not getting hold of whats not being downloaded. Any suggestion how to track that..?
In ZeroClipboard.js the below lines generates an URL as entry for "codebase" attribute and I am being able to download the same when I access the URL on the browser. I am using IE 8.
var protocol = location.href.match(/^https/i) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
html += '';
Then load the TableTools example in you browser - if that works, then its not a security restriction.
Long back I wrote to you! This time I have done further investigation on the issue. Same issue is persisting with IE. In Chrome and Mozilla Firefox the functiaonality is working fine! In the server log I do not see the swf file downloaded or accessed in case of IE but for other two browsers I see that the swf file is accessed as per the server log. No idea what is the exact issue! Do I have to do anything with below piece of code..? I do not dare so! :P
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/)) {
// IE gets an OBJECT tag
var protocol = location.href.match(/^https/i) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
html += '';
Please guide.
Further update is as you said I put the DataTable in the webserver and I am being able to use the download feature in HTTPs mode. I am checking where I have done mistake! :) Will update!
Not sure why but I am getting something like below when I access the tabletool using Firefox or Chrome and for IE nothing not even an error message is being displayed in the access log. Plugin works for Firefox and Chrome but not in IE.
"GET /XYZ/resources/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf HTTP/1.1" 200
I have tried keeping the swf file in different places and all the time it never worked for IE.
Any idea..?
First of all wish you a very Happy Christmas and New Year! :)
Thank you very much for your response!
I am having reference to the SWF file as mentioned below!
$(document).ready( function () {
$('#table_id').dataTable( {
"aoColumns": [
"sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
"oTableTools": {
"sSwfPath": "/XYZ/resources/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"
"bJQueryUI": true
My application is running in intranet and sharing the URL wonot help much as you can not access the application!
I'm afraid that without further information I cannot help dove the issue though, as I don't know what the issue is. Sorry, but I really would need to see the page.