row select not working when data loaded from a json file
row select not working when data loaded from a json file
I don't understand why row select - specifically the jquery '$('#example tbody tr').click( function() {...' - does not
work when I use
oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
"bProcessing": true,
"sAjaxSource": 'viewdata.json'
/* Add/remove class to a row when clicked on */
oClick = $('#example tbody tr').click( function() {
c = $(this).toggleClass('row_selected');
} );
I'll put the contents of vewdata.json at the end of this post... this jsfiddle shows what I am trying to do, but it doesn't run.
I want to (simply) build a datatable (from a json file) and have multi row selection and highlighting. My example will display
the table and show the filter and sort buttons. But row selection just doesn't happen. If I use firebug to 'watch' the html, the
class of the 'tr' never toggles the 'row_selected' class. Its as if the never fires. If I do the same thing,
but build the table in html it works fine. If I use json... ah, no bueno.
I must be lacking some information about the jquery selector. Does it CHANGE just when DataTables loads from 'sAjaxSource'????
Please send a clue....
[1178] ; cat viewdata.json
"aaData": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Win 95+",
"Internet Explorer 5.0",
"Win 95+",
"Internet Explorer 5.5",
"Win 95+",
"Internet Explorer 6",
"Win 98+",
I don't understand why row select - specifically the jquery '$('#example tbody tr').click( function() {...' - does not
work when I use
oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
"bProcessing": true,
"sAjaxSource": 'viewdata.json'
/* Add/remove class to a row when clicked on */
oClick = $('#example tbody tr').click( function() {
c = $(this).toggleClass('row_selected');
} );
I'll put the contents of vewdata.json at the end of this post... this jsfiddle shows what I am trying to do, but it doesn't run.
I want to (simply) build a datatable (from a json file) and have multi row selection and highlighting. My example will display
the table and show the filter and sort buttons. But row selection just doesn't happen. If I use firebug to 'watch' the html, the
class of the 'tr' never toggles the 'row_selected' class. Its as if the never fires. If I do the same thing,
but build the table in html it works fine. If I use json... ah, no bueno.
I must be lacking some information about the jquery selector. Does it CHANGE just when DataTables loads from 'sAjaxSource'????
Please send a clue....
[1178] ; cat viewdata.json
"aaData": [
"Internet Explorer 4.0",
"Win 95+",
"Internet Explorer 5.0",
"Win 95+",
"Internet Explorer 5.5",
"Win 95+",
"Internet Explorer 6",
"Win 98+",
This discussion has been closed.
Use a delegated event handler:
$('#example tbody').on( 'click', 'td', function (e) {...
See also the top FAQ: .
This did the trick:
$("#example").on( 'click', 'tr', function(){ $( this ).toggleClass('row_selected');} );