Table is not populated properly (
Table is not populated properly (

The table is populated successfully locally without any issues with icons and everything and pasted the whole code in
However the same table doesn't getting rendered when saved as wordpress page.
Please kindly help me
Using word press theme twenty sixteen
This discussion has been closed.
Could you clarify how this is different from your two previous threads on this topic?
As I noted in the other thread, please link to a page showing the issue (not just the code), so we can offer some help. If it is a continuation of those other threads, please continue the discussion in the appropriate thread rather than starting a new one.
Finally i conclude that the data table is not rendering due to conflict with
the script and styles between twenty sixteen theme and data table script and styles.
The solution is we need to properly resolve by enque and registering the scripts/styles.
Can you please help me with a code snippet which needs to be inserted on the word press page on how to enqueue the scripts for the single page ?
Do we need to add the enqueue with <? php or under the head tag in the html tag
of the word press page.
An example with JS fiddle with source code will of great help...
This is a duplicate thread. I'm going to close this one so I'm not answering the same question in two places. See the threads I linked to above.