Scrolling and Bootstrap tabs
This example shows how DataTables with scrolling can be used together with Bootstrap tabs (or indeed
any other method whereby the table is in a hidden, display:none
, element when it is initialised).
As of DataTables 2.2 when used with a browser from 2020 or newer, there is no special consideration required for this use case. However, if you need to support legacy browsers, you will notice that if the DataTable is initialised in a hidden element the browser doesn't have any measurements with which to give the DataTable, and this will result in the misalignment of columns when scrolling is enabled.
This misalignment can be corrected by the columns.adjust()
method when the table is made visible (i.e. it has dimensions). As noted, this is not something you need to
do as of DataTables 2.2, unless you need to support legacy browsers.
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary |
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary |
- Javascript
- Ajax
- Server-side script
- Comments
The Javascript shown below is used to initialise the table shown in this example:
ajax: '../ajax/data/arrays.txt',
paging: false,
scrollCollapse: true,
scrollY: 200
// Apply a search to the second table for the demo
$('#myTable2').DataTable().search('New York').draw();
new DataTable('table.table', {
ajax: '../ajax/data/arrays.txt',
paging: false,
scrollCollapse: true,
scrollY: 200
// Apply a search to the second table for the demo
new DataTable.Api('#myTable2').search('New York').draw();
In addition to the above code, the following Javascript library files are loaded for use in this example:
The HTML shown below is the raw HTML table element, before it has been enhanced by DataTables:
This example uses a little bit of additional CSS beyond what is loaded from the library files (below), in order to correctly display the table. The additional CSS used is shown below:
The following CSS library files are loaded for use in this example to provide the styling of the table:
This table loads data by Ajax. The latest data that has been loaded is shown below. This data will update automatically as any additional data is loaded.
The script used to perform the server-side processing for this table is shown below. Please note that this is just an example script using PHP. Server-side processing scripts can be written in any language, using the protocol described in the DataTables documentation.
Other examples
Basic initialisation
- Zero configuration
- Feature enable / disable
- Default ordering (sorting)
- Multi-column ordering
- Multiple tables
- Hidden columns
- Complex headers (rowspan and colspan)
- Flexible table width
- State saving
- Alternative pagination
- Data rendering
- Scroll - vertical
- Scroll - vertical, dynamic height
- Scroll - horizontal
- Scroll - horizontal and vertical
Advanced initialisation
- DOM / jQuery events
- DataTables events
- Column rendering
- Enter Key to Search
- Page length options
- Complex headers with column visibility
- Read HTML to data objects
- HTML5 data-* attributes - cell data
- HTML5 data-* attributes - table options
- Setting defaults
- Row created callback
- Row grouping
- Footer callback
- Order direction sequence control
- DOM element return from renderer
- Base style
- Base style - no styling classes
- Base style - cell borders
- Base style - compact
- Base style - hover
- Base style - order-column
- Base style - row borders
- Base style - stripe
- Bootstrap 3
- Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap 5
- Foundation
- Fomantic-UI (formally Semantic-UI)
- Bulma
- jQuery UI ThemeRoller
- Material Design (Tech. preview)
- Tailwind CSS (Tech. preview)
- UIKit 3 (Tech. preview)
- Add rows
- Individual column searching (text inputs)
- Individual column searching (select inputs)
- Highlighting rows and columns
- Child rows (show extra / detailed information)
- Child rows with StateSave
- Row selection (multiple rows)
- Row selection and deletion (single row)
- Form inputs
- Index column
- Show / hide columns dynamically
- Using API in callbacks
- Scrolling and Bootstrap tabs
- Search API (regular expressions)
- HighCharts Integration