[SOLVED] server-side processing: paging does not work
[SOLVED] server-side processing: paging does not work
Dear all!
I use server-side processing and paging. Unfortunately, I don't get the pagination to work. The table assumes only one page, but there is more. The pagination buttons are both grey and the request issued contains iDisplayStart=0.
Here is the javascript code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').dataTable( {
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": "run.cgi?rm=table_data",
} );
} );
And here is the data returned by the script (copied from firebug):
{"aaData":[["004","AFGHANISTAN","AF","AFG"],["008","ALBANIA","AL","ALB"],["010","ANTARCTICA","AQ","ATA"],["012","ALGERIA","DZ","DZA"],["016","AMERICAN SAMOA","AS","ASM"],["020","ANDORRA","AD","AND"],["024","ANGOLA","AO","AGO"],["028","ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA","AG","ATG"],["031","AZERBAIJAN","AZ","AZE"],["032","ARGENTINA","AR","ARG"]],"iTotalDisplayRecords":10,"iTotalRecords":"240","sEcho":1}
So what did I miss? What do I need to check / set to get the pagination to work?
Best regards, Alex
I use server-side processing and paging. Unfortunately, I don't get the pagination to work. The table assumes only one page, but there is more. The pagination buttons are both grey and the request issued contains iDisplayStart=0.
Here is the javascript code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').dataTable( {
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": "run.cgi?rm=table_data",
} );
} );
And here is the data returned by the script (copied from firebug):
{"aaData":[["004","AFGHANISTAN","AF","AFG"],["008","ALBANIA","AL","ALB"],["010","ANTARCTICA","AQ","ATA"],["012","ALGERIA","DZ","DZA"],["016","AMERICAN SAMOA","AS","ASM"],["020","ANDORRA","AD","AND"],["024","ANGOLA","AO","AGO"],["028","ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA","AG","ATG"],["031","AZERBAIJAN","AZ","AZE"],["032","ARGENTINA","AR","ARG"]],"iTotalDisplayRecords":10,"iTotalRecords":"240","sEcho":1}
So what did I miss? What do I need to check / set to get the pagination to work?
Best regards, Alex
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