Datatables implementation with Zurb Foundation
Datatables implementation with Zurb Foundation
Looking to see if anyone has done an implementation of Datatables with Foundation. Found the Bootstrap one which was awesome.
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If you do create an integration layer between the two, I've got a Github repo for this kind of integration, if you would be willing to share it with the world: (Bootstrap is the only one thus far, but others can be added!).
It appears I need to override _fnFeatureHtmlLength, but I'm not sure how to go about that as I'm a jQuery novice.
To replace it entirely you need to create a feature plug-in, as described here:
The Foundation form syntax looks like this.
"oLanguage": {
"sLengthMenu": 'Dropdown Label'+
' 10'+
' 20'+
' 30'+
' This is a dropdown'+
' '+
' '+
' 10'+
' 20'+
' 30'+
' '+
Currently I am able to get DT to change the menu length, but there is a catch. When you click on a length, say 20, it returns results for the previous length selection. Doh.
In _fnFeatureHtmlLength I'm replacing:
$('select', nLength).bind( 'change.DT', function(e) {
var iVal = $(this).val();
$('div.custom ul', nLength).bind( 'click' , function(){
var iVal = $('div.custom ul li.selected', nLength).text();
I know the problem is that when I click and select the length option the selected class has not been applied to the clicked on list item. I've tried doing this many different ways but I end up with the same result.
Since I can't detect a select change I wanted to detect a change of class with the list item, but you can't do that. The work around is in the Foundation js I add a trigger to the addClass/deleteClass portion of their code. It actually appears there is a change trigger already. However, what isn't clear to me is whether a trigger like .trigger('cssClassChange') in Foundation will work in DT. When you create an event with trigger are they global?
This is a blog post showing how feature plug-ins can be created:
I suspect that this method will be a lot easier than shoehorning the built in method into doing something it wasn't really designed for :-)
I actually have everything working, just not as a plugin, and since this is my first time doing something like this I'm having some difficulty knowing how to proceed in creating a plugin that overrides the stock function. Could you provide me with a little bit more direction. Do I want to do something like this?
$.extend( $.fn.dataTableExt._fnFeatureHtmlLength = function( oSettings ) {}
edit: I've uploaded some of the files to github, still a work in progress.
Possibly, but I doubt it. I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to achieve there? Are you trying to overwrite the internal DataTales function? You can't do that I'm afraid - its a private method and can only be changed by actually changing the DataTables source code.
Just revisiting this, sounds like I need to look through some other people's plugins to figure out how to override that functionality.
$.fn.DataTable.prototype.constructor.ext.oApi._fnFeatureHtmlFilter = function () {}
Anything new on this side?
I would also be interrested in the integration between Zurb Foundation 3 and datatable. I could help testing and improving it.
I would also love to know how bikedorkseattle got on with this. I'm happy to help test and improve it.
I have implemented a complete integration based on bikedorkseattle's codebase. Please find it at and hope it helps.