Opera: Style only after touch
Opera: Style only after touch
Noticed a bit of an odd behavior - in Opera only... It might not be related to datatables.
I am using ThemeRoller.
My tables are destroyed and re-built by JavaScript using AJAX response, every time a user submits a form on the page.
The ThemeRoller styles the column heads, but... and again, only in Opera
the td and th borders do not appear until I click on a column head to sort the column.
It's as if some classes only take effect after I sort..
Noticed a bit of an odd behavior - in Opera only... It might not be related to datatables.
I am using ThemeRoller.
My tables are destroyed and re-built by JavaScript using AJAX response, every time a user submits a form on the page.
The ThemeRoller styles the column heads, but... and again, only in Opera
the td and th borders do not appear until I click on a column head to sort the column.
It's as if some classes only take effect after I sort..
This discussion has been closed.
Using Opera 9.6 and 10.10, it appear to work no problem for me on the ThemeRoller demo page: http://datatables.net/styling/themes . Which version of Opera are you using (and what platform), and if you use their DragonFly (similar to Firebug) do you see the classes correctly applied?