NOT showing a column

NOT showing a column

DataHoundDataHound Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited June 2012 in General
I'm using a slightly modified version of the server processing php that comes with the demos. in it, the columns you want have to be defined in the $aColumns = array( 'field1','field2', etc); line of code. But here's a curveball :

what if I need to bring in THREE columns of data, but only 2 of them are to be displayed? Why would you do that, you might ask... well the third field would contain the link url for column 2. but as far as i can tell, datatables automatically creates a column in the table for every data field retrieved. any way to force it to not show a column? I can get the result i want (link in the column 2) already, i just can't stop it from also showing column three. for example this is pretty much what I'm doing now :

$row = array();
for ( $i=0 ; $i
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