ie8 - stop running this script?
ie8 - stop running this script?

When the amount of rows to display reaches about 2000, IE8 shows the above message. how can i stop it doing this?
I've done an example page here: - all bar the jquery and datatables files are within the one page
on firefox, chrome or IE9 this runs quickly and its not that slow on IE8 - its just the error message i need to get rid of
I've tried turning off sorting and pagination and its being loaded with json data to save on dom processing
splitting the processing up with setTimeout would be fine i guess but datatables doesnt seem to do that.
anyone have any ideas?
When the amount of rows to display reaches about 2000, IE8 shows the above message. how can i stop it doing this?
I've done an example page here: - all bar the jquery and datatables files are within the one page
on firefox, chrome or IE9 this runs quickly and its not that slow on IE8 - its just the error message i need to get rid of
I've tried turning off sorting and pagination and its being loaded with json data to save on dom processing
splitting the processing up with setTimeout would be fine i guess but datatables doesnt seem to do that.
anyone have any ideas?
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> 'bServerside': true,
Is that really want you want (actually there is a typo in there anyway)?
> I've tried turning off [...] pagination
That negates any benefit that bDeferRender gives since all rows must be rendered.
I'd suggest:
1. Remove bServerSide: true
2. Remove bPaginate: false
3. Keep bDeferRender: true
4. Remove: iDeferLoading: ...
and see how that that performs.