Minimize width of specific columns
Minimize width of specific columns

Howdy all. I'm experimenting with DataTables in developing the end user interface for a database on my company's intranet. I'm presently trying to edit some of the visual settings on DataTables, and I'm running into a problem with column sizing that I can't seem to find the right command for.
Using the default data from the examples, what I want to do is specify a couple of columns to minimize their width across the pagination as much as possible to give other columns more space to render. Refering to the Examples, I know I am going to have some columns like the Engine Version or CSS grade where, unless the end user makes a big error or is deliberately entering bad data, the width of the data in the column is never going to be very wide (maybe a handful of characters at best). What I want to do is tell DataTables to look at Rendering Engine, Engine Version and CSS Grade and compact it as far as possible (such as causing the header to wrap into two lines) so that it can better fit the data for Browser and Platforms without needing a data row to take up multiple lines (like sometimes happens with the Gecko - Netscape 7.2 entry if your overall table width is limited to 1000px).
Is there any type of setting for this? or an advised hack/work around to set this up? I don't want to have to deal with fixed width columns if at all possible. While that might work, I'm hoping the DataTables API has a setting I can use instead.
Using the default data from the examples, what I want to do is specify a couple of columns to minimize their width across the pagination as much as possible to give other columns more space to render. Refering to the Examples, I know I am going to have some columns like the Engine Version or CSS grade where, unless the end user makes a big error or is deliberately entering bad data, the width of the data in the column is never going to be very wide (maybe a handful of characters at best). What I want to do is tell DataTables to look at Rendering Engine, Engine Version and CSS Grade and compact it as far as possible (such as causing the header to wrap into two lines) so that it can better fit the data for Browser and Platforms without needing a data row to take up multiple lines (like sometimes happens with the Gecko - Netscape 7.2 entry if your overall table width is limited to 1000px).
Is there any type of setting for this? or an advised hack/work around to set this up? I don't want to have to deal with fixed width columns if at all possible. While that might work, I'm hoping the DataTables API has a setting I can use instead.
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