MVC3 using DataTable and Editor
MVC3 using DataTable and Editor

I have DataTables working and I am trying to implement Editor.
Does anybody have an example of the server side code (i.e. an MVC controller) that I should be using.
I have tried quite a lot of different variations and I can't seem to get the data to map over.
What should I be accepting as a parameter for the create method on the server?
I have DataTables working and I am trying to implement Editor.
Does anybody have an example of the server side code (i.e. an MVC controller) that I should be using.
I have tried quite a lot of different variations and I can't seem to get the data to map over.
What should I be accepting as a parameter for the create method on the server?
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I'm afraid I don't yet have an example implementation of Editor with ASP yet, but it is something that we will be added in the relatively near future (either 1.3 or the 1.4 releases depending on how things go!).
Having said that, I can assist on what the client-side expects.
The Editor server / client communication protocol is documented here: .
If you want to use different URLs for the add, edit and delete options, as I believe is often the case in ASP, you can use the 'ajaxUrl' as an object option - (click the 'show details' link for ajaxUrl).
If you have any further questions, do let me know.
Not sure why, I imagine the code is actually quite simple!
I get this...
0: "action"
1: "table"
2: "id"
3: "data[OrderId]"
4: "data[CustomerId]"
5: "data[DateBooked]"
6: "data[AccountManager]"
7: "data[Status]"
8: "data[ActUnits]"
9: "data[ActBBG]"
Returned from my controller, I am using FormCollection as in parameter in the controller, I have also tried defining my own object with the correct fields in, but that doesn't work either.
I just need to figure out how to access array data within a FormCollection.
"id": -1,
"table": "",
"action": "create",
"browser": "Chrome",
"engine": "Webkit",
"platform": "Win / Mac / Linux",
"version": "535.1",
"grade": "A"
To set a flat list of parameters, yes absolutely this can be done - the reason it isn't done by default is because you could get name clashed (for example if there was an input filed called "action"). The way to alter the object that is being set tot he sever is with the onPreSubmit event / callback: . It will give you the data that is going to be sent to the server and you can manipulate it how you wish.
onPreSubmit: function ( json ) {
$.each(, function (index, val) {
json[index] = val;
I haven't actually run that in a browser, so I might have an inadvertent syntax error(!), however that should do the business for you.
For anyone else that might find this useful, there was a small syntax error, a missing bracket, the code below is correct.....
onPreSubmit: function ( json ) {
$.each(, function (index, val) {
json[index] = val;
Thanks again for your help, you're a star!
I've just had a look myself, and it appears that you can indeed use this nested type of JSON data in a request to an .NET MVC program. It looks like it is all to do with how the views are set up - this post might be interesting (either for yourself or anyone else reading) if you want to take this approach:
It seems that MVC3 prefers "data.Field1" syntax to "data[Field1]". Working off of the above code, this function converts all data parameters to an MVC3-friendly format:
[code]editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
"ajaxUrl": "/Customers/Save",
"events" : {
"onPreSubmit": function (json) {
// Format data so it works with MVC3
$.each(, function (index, val) {
json["data." + index] = val;
And your controller method can be defined like this:
[code]public ActionResult Save(string action, string table, string id, CustomerRecord data)
// Insert, Update or Delete customer here...