Serverside processing - Refresh table header
Serverside processing - Refresh table header

I'm using with server side processing on top of Oracle.
I can retrieve the parameters from my DataTable, pass them to Oracle, and this is working OK (filtering, sorting. paging).
Now, I'd want to be able to do some filtering / sorting / paging, then move away from the page, come back and reload my DataTable like it was last time.
For that I save the _GET DataTable parameters array into a server session after setting some filtering / sorting / paging.
Then in order to reload it first time I return to my page, I use the following JS code, to read from session and change aoData on the fly:
'fnServerParams': function (aoData) {
var sEcho = aoData[0].value;
if ('1' == sEcho) {
var params = <?=json_encode(Session::read(${CTL_DATAID}, true))?>;
if (! jQuery.isEmptyObject(params)) {
aoData.length = 0; // empty array
$.each(params, function(name, value) {
aoData.push({'name': name, 'value': value});
switch (name) {
case 'sSearch_0':
case 'sSearch_2':
case 'sSearch_3':
case 'sSearch_5':
case 'sSearch_6':
This way, I'm able to reload my data the way I expect it.
BUT, I can't get the DataTable attributes to be reloaded, typically
- the paging attributes always shows page 1
- the header of the table does not show which column I sorted last time
even if the correct information is present in aoData.
How can I synchronize the DataTable presentation with aoData?
Thanks in advance.
I'm using with server side processing on top of Oracle.
I can retrieve the parameters from my DataTable, pass them to Oracle, and this is working OK (filtering, sorting. paging).
Now, I'd want to be able to do some filtering / sorting / paging, then move away from the page, come back and reload my DataTable like it was last time.
For that I save the _GET DataTable parameters array into a server session after setting some filtering / sorting / paging.
Then in order to reload it first time I return to my page, I use the following JS code, to read from session and change aoData on the fly:
'fnServerParams': function (aoData) {
var sEcho = aoData[0].value;
if ('1' == sEcho) {
var params = <?=json_encode(Session::read(${CTL_DATAID}, true))?>;
if (! jQuery.isEmptyObject(params)) {
aoData.length = 0; // empty array
$.each(params, function(name, value) {
aoData.push({'name': name, 'value': value});
switch (name) {
case 'sSearch_0':
case 'sSearch_2':
case 'sSearch_3':
case 'sSearch_5':
case 'sSearch_6':
This way, I'm able to reload my data the way I expect it.
BUT, I can't get the DataTable attributes to be reloaded, typically
- the paging attributes always shows page 1
- the header of the table does not show which column I sorted last time
even if the correct information is present in aoData.
How can I synchronize the DataTable presentation with aoData?
Thanks in advance.
This discussion has been closed.
I've missed the bStateSave option! It does exactly what I need: save the state of a DataTable.
So, finally the table parameters are restored automatically through this option, and I just need to refill the input / select that I use for filtering in thead, which can be done with fnInitComplete:
'bStateSave': true,
'fnInitComplete': function() {
var oSettings = this.fnSettings();
<?php $i = 0;?>
<?php foreach (${CTL_COLUMNS} as $columnId => $whatever) : ?>
if (oSettings.aoPreSearchCols[<?=$i?>].sSearch.length > 0) {
<?php $i++; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>