How to troubleshoot datatables not loading?

How to troubleshoot datatables not loading?

bwpcbwpc Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited October 2012 in General
I am getting the dreaded "Object doesn't support property or method" when I try to initialize a dataTable.

Datatables works fine in another project I have that uses a common module I have that includes datatables. But now in this other project, referencing the same common module, it just won't load. I've verified jquery 1.7.2 is loading only once.

I used fiddler and I see jquery getting downloaded once, then datatables. The jquery call to load the table correctly returns the table. There's just no dataTable method on it.

How do I troubleshoot what is happening before that call to figure out why the dataTable method is not available?

$(document).ready(function () {


  • bwpcbwpc Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Never mind, figures, minutes after posting, I finally see that there was another call that was loading jquery twice. And now it works.
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