Adding more data to dataTables without refreshing whole table (ServerSide table).

Adding more data to dataTables without refreshing whole table (ServerSide table).

kwakkwak Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited December 2012 in General
Hi, I need to add some more rows below the one that user choose. Data in aaData is fetched for the selection (lets say 2 rows came back), how to insert them but without refreshing whole table?
I can use fnAddData, cuz it needs fnDraw to render table data anyway. I cant either add manually some data to aoData, cuz in order to render proper TR markup, fnDraw has to be called.

Is there a way to manually render few rows (like some use of _fnCreateTr) in a chosen destination (tr position)?


  • kwakkwak Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Ive found a solution myself. Ive created a following plugin:

    * DataTables plugin that helps adding rows to the dynamic table.
    * This does not recreate whole table, rather manually creates and append rows at a specific
    * position.
    * @param {Object} oSettings Internal dataTables settings/options cache.
    * @param {Array} data Data from which new row is created.
    * @param {Object} position Starting position where adding rows should occur.
    * @author Grzegorz Kaczan

    $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnAddRow = function ( oSettings, data, position, afterAdd ) {
    var iIndex, nTr;

    // Can't just use fnAddData since its appending data (to the end).
    // Or can use it but we need to move newly added data back to preferred position.
    // Add data.
    iIndex = this.oApi._fnAddData( oSettings, data );

    // Move added row to the chosen position.
    core.array.moveElement(oSettings.aoData, iIndex, (position + 1)); // core.array.moveElement just
    iIndex = position + 1; // moves element around in an arr.

    // Create TR markup.
    oSettings.oApi._fnCreateTr( oSettings, iIndex );
    nTr = oSettings.aoData[ iIndex ].nTr;

    // Append physically to table body.
    $(oSettings.nTBody).children('TR').eq(position).after( nTr );

    // Finally call aoRowCallback.
    oSettings.oApi._fnCallbackFire( oSettings, 'aoRowCallback', null,
    [nTr, data, iIndex, iIndex] );
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