TableTools only works once

TableTools only works once

fetillafetilla Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited February 2013 in TableTools

I have a problem with TableTools and IE 8.0.6001 (with version IE 8.0.7601 or higher it's ok). First I cant export anything because I was having the following error in ZeroClipboard.js line 134:

Unknown Runtime Error line 134 character 3:
this.div.innerHTML = this.getHTML( box.width, box.height );

Then I changed this line and I put:

$(this.div).html(this.getHTML(box.width, box.height));

With this change, When I do first export to any format, everything works fine, but when I access a second time to same table (or other table) and I try to export, I am getting this error in ZeroClipboard.js line 307:

Object does not support this property or method, line 307:;

I inspect DOM, and I have seen that "this" object has methods that object not contains:

appendText( );
setFileName( );
setAction( );
setCharSet( );
setBomInc( );
setHandCursor( );

I can't post a URL of my web because it is in an private intranet, but i need solve this issue in browser IE 8.0.6001.

Any ideas to help me?
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