Table tools - csv export encoding
Table tools - csv export encoding

Hi Allan,
I'm using datatables for a long time and it saves me a lot of time !
I've a question about table tools csv export :
Is there a way to export data in latin1 in order to open correctly the file in Excel (2003) ?
I tried this piece of code without the expecting result :
"sExtends": "csv",
"sButtonText": "",
"sToolTip": "Exporter au format csv",
"sTitle": "Mon titre",
"sFieldSeperator": ";",
"sCharSet": "latin1",
"mColumns": [ 0, 1, 2 ]
I think the answer is in "sCharset" parameter, but I tried "iso88591", "latin1" and I open this file in Excel with bad encoding...
I would be great if you had a solution or a track !
I'm using tabletools 2.1.5 dev
Thank you,
I'm using datatables for a long time and it saves me a lot of time !
I've a question about table tools csv export :
Is there a way to export data in latin1 in order to open correctly the file in Excel (2003) ?
I tried this piece of code without the expecting result :
"sExtends": "csv",
"sButtonText": "",
"sToolTip": "Exporter au format csv",
"sTitle": "Mon titre",
"sFieldSeperator": ";",
"sCharSet": "latin1",
"mColumns": [ 0, 1, 2 ]
I think the answer is in "sCharset" parameter, but I tried "iso88591", "latin1" and I open this file in Excel with bad encoding...
I would be great if you had a solution or a track !
I'm using tabletools 2.1.5 dev
Thank you,
This discussion has been closed.
I'll have a look on the flash file.