

gerennegerenne Posts: 30Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited March 2013 in TableTools
Hi all!!,

I have a problem with TableTools, I put the following code:

In jsp I include the following libraries:

@import "js/DataTables-1.9.0/media/css/demo_page.css";
@import "js/DataTables-1.9.0/media/css/demo_table.css";
@import "js/DataTables-1.9.0/media/css/demo_table_jui.css";
@import "js/DataTables-1.9.0/media/css/jquery.dataTables_themeroller.css";
@import "js/DataTables-1.9.0/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css";
@import "js/TableTools-2.1.5/media/css/TableTools.css";


And in my js :
$('#customerTransactionsView').dataTable( {
"sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
"oTableTools": {
"sSwfPath": "/release-datatables/extras/TableTools/media/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"
} );

The table and the bottons appear correctly, but my problem is when I try to click some button I can't, when the mouse is over buttons appear disabled, only I can press print button.

Could you help me?

Thanks in advance!!


  • acidstoutacidstout Posts: 8Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I believe the sSwfPath to be wrong. DataTables always draws the buttons unless they are disabled, but their functionality comes with the swf-file only. Please check that DataTables can load the swf successfully.
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