Server-side implementation
Server-side implementation

Hello everyone, i've been using Datatables 1.9 for long time in all of my projects with the default configuration.
But now i need to work with datatables loading asynchronously (Ajax).
Navigating by the documentation, I saw the server-side processing API. (
With some tests, i already request the data asynchronously and draw it on the table, but the question now is:
Is it possible use the server-side processing only to retrieve data and keep the other functions on client-side with the plugin default implementation (Pagination, filter, total records...) ?
If i wasn't clear enough, please let me know. Then i'll explain again.
Hope you guys can support me (:
Best regards.
But now i need to work with datatables loading asynchronously (Ajax).
Navigating by the documentation, I saw the server-side processing API. (
With some tests, i already request the data asynchronously and draw it on the table, but the question now is:
Is it possible use the server-side processing only to retrieve data and keep the other functions on client-side with the plugin default implementation (Pagination, filter, total records...) ?
If i wasn't clear enough, please let me know. Then i'll explain again.
Hope you guys can support me (:
Best regards.
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