Using DataTables with the Dojo Toolkit?
Using DataTables with the Dojo Toolkit?

I have a site uses the Dojo Toolkit:
I'd LOVE to use DataTables on one of the pages. However, the site breaks when I add this line to the base index.html page:
The site is already includes jQuery earlier in the HTML file:
The error I get is from "dojoLoader", see JavaScript console output below. I'm hoping someone will tell me "Yes, you can use DataTables with the Dojo Toolkit. You just have to do [x] to get it to work." But I'm afraid the answer may be "Sorry, they're incompatible." Regardless, knowing either way would be quite helpful. Anyone ever tried DataTables with Dojo?
[Also puzzling is why, in the error output below, it's trying to load "/website/incs/javascript/jquery.js" -- there are NO files that reference this path, and jQuery is already included using the line pasted above.]
Error {src: "dojoLoader", info: Object}
src: dojoLoader dojo.js:1830
Object {pid: "dojo", mid: "dojo/Deferred", pack: Object, url: "incs/javascript/dojo/Deferred.js", executed: 0…}
. dojo.js:1832
GET 404 (Not Found) dojo.js:1668
Error {src: "dojoLoader", info: Array[2]}
src: dojoLoader dojo.js:1830
["incs/javascript/jquery.js", Event]
. dojo.js:1832
Error {src: "dojoLoader", info: Object}
src: dojoLoader dojo.js:1830
info: Object {jquery: 1, incs/javascript/jquery.js: 1} dojo.js:1830
I'd LOVE to use DataTables on one of the pages. However, the site breaks when I add this line to the base index.html page:
The site is already includes jQuery earlier in the HTML file:
The error I get is from "dojoLoader", see JavaScript console output below. I'm hoping someone will tell me "Yes, you can use DataTables with the Dojo Toolkit. You just have to do [x] to get it to work." But I'm afraid the answer may be "Sorry, they're incompatible." Regardless, knowing either way would be quite helpful. Anyone ever tried DataTables with Dojo?
[Also puzzling is why, in the error output below, it's trying to load "/website/incs/javascript/jquery.js" -- there are NO files that reference this path, and jQuery is already included using the line pasted above.]
Error {src: "dojoLoader", info: Object}
src: dojoLoader dojo.js:1830
Object {pid: "dojo", mid: "dojo/Deferred", pack: Object, url: "incs/javascript/dojo/Deferred.js", executed: 0…}
. dojo.js:1832
GET 404 (Not Found) dojo.js:1668
Error {src: "dojoLoader", info: Array[2]}
src: dojoLoader dojo.js:1830
["incs/javascript/jquery.js", Event]
. dojo.js:1832
Error {src: "dojoLoader", info: Object}
src: dojoLoader dojo.js:1830
info: Object {jquery: 1, incs/javascript/jquery.js: 1} dojo.js:1830
This discussion has been closed.