JSP Server Side Processing IdisplayStart
JSP Server Side Processing IdisplayStart

First of all, I really appreciate the wonderful plugin - Datatable. Great work :) I am new to Datatable and want to control the showing entries of the datatable. In my application, i have to load a large amount of data. In order to cut down the performance overhead, we are doing ajax call on ever y page click ( four_button plugin ) returning 50 records. I have set iTotalRecords (say 3457) , iTotalDisplayRecords (say 50) parameters in aaData in the response. I have gone through the documentation several times to find out the parameter to control them. but, i couldn't find the correct one. iDisplayStart is always at 0. so, on every button (first, next,previous,last) click, the data (50 records) gets loaded successfully. but, it always show (1-50 of 3457 records). Please let me know any pointers / references / examples. Any insight is highly appreciated.
First of all, I really appreciate the wonderful plugin - Datatable. Great work :) I am new to Datatable and want to control the showing entries of the datatable. In my application, i have to load a large amount of data. In order to cut down the performance overhead, we are doing ajax call on ever y page click ( four_button plugin ) returning 50 records. I have set iTotalRecords (say 3457) , iTotalDisplayRecords (say 50) parameters in aaData in the response. I have gone through the documentation several times to find out the parameter to control them. but, i couldn't find the correct one. iDisplayStart is always at 0. so, on every button (first, next,previous,last) click, the data (50 records) gets loaded successfully. but, it always show (1-50 of 3457 records). Please let me know any pointers / references / examples. Any insight is highly appreciated.
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