fnFilter issues with a particular column

fnFilter issues with a particular column

LeveticusLeveticus Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited August 2013 in General
I've never used dataTables but got handed a project that is using it and can't figure out why I'm getting weird fnFilter results on a particular category, which just happens to be called "category". I'll work on getting a running version on jsfiddle but just wanted to see if there was anything that was obviously wrong with the setup of the table. All other columns filter fine, except the "categories" column. Below is the .js file followed by the table.

var reportsTable;

$(document).ready(function() {


$('#search_title').keyup(function() {
reportsTable.fnFilter(this.value, 0);

onClose : function (date, picker) {
submit_time_search($(this), $('#search_submit_end_time'));

onClose : function (date, picker) {
submit_time_search($('#search_submit_begin_time'), $(this));

function submit_time_search(begElem, endElem) {
var beg = begElem.val();
var end = endElem.val();

reportsTable.fnFilter(beg + ',' + end, 1);

$("input[name='search_status']").change(function() {
var statuses = new Array();

$.each($("input[name='search_status']:checked"), function() {

if (statuses.length == 0) {
reportsTable.fnFilter('', 2);
else {
reportsTable.fnFilter(statuses.join(','), 2);

$('#search_address').keyup(function() {
reportsTable.fnFilter(this.value, 4);

$('#search_city').keyup(function() {
reportsTable.fnFilter(this.value, 5);

$('#search_state').keyup(function() {
reportsTable.fnFilter(this.value, 6);

$('#search_zipcode').keyup(function() {
reportsTable.fnFilter(this.value, 7);

$("input[name='search_category']").change(function() {
var cats = new Array();

$.each($("input[name='search_category']:checked"), function() {

if (cats.length == 0) {
reportsTable.fnFilter('', 9);
else {
reportsTable.fnFilter(cats.join(','), 9);

reportsTable = $('table#reports_table').dataTable({
"bServerSide" : true,
"sAjaxSource" : issuesTabPath + '/json/reports',
"sAjaxDataProp" : "tableData",
"aoColumns" : [
"mData" : 'title',
"sTitle" : 'Title',
"sClass" : 'title-cell',
"bSortable" : true,
"mRender" : function(data, callType, fullData) {
return '' + data + '';
"mData" : 'submitTime',
"sTitle" : 'Submit Time',
"sType" : 'date',
"sClass" : 'submit-time-cell',
"bSortable" : true,
"mRender" : function(data) {
var date = new Date(data);
return date.toLocaleString();
"mData" : 'resolutionStatus',
"bVisible" : false
"mData" : 'resolutionStatusLabel',
"sTitle" : 'Status',
"sClass" : 'status-cell',
"bSortable" : true,
"bSearchable" : false,
"iDataSort" : 2
"mData" : 'streetAddress',
"bVisible" : false
"mData" : 'city',
"bVisible" : false
"mData" : 'stateProvince',
"bVisible" : false
"mData" : 'zipcode',
"bVisible" : false
"mData" : null,
"sTitle" : 'Address',
"sClass" : 'status-cell',
"bSortable" : true,
"bSearchable" : false,
"iDataSort" : 4,
"mRender" : function(data, callType, fullData) {
return fullData['streetAddress'] + '
' +
fullData['city'] + ', ' + fullData['stateProvince'] + ' ' + fullData['zipcode'];
"mData" : 'category',
"sTitle" : 'Category',
"sClass" : 'category-cell',
"bSortable" : true
"mData" : 'image',
"sTitle" : 'Image',
"sClass" : 'image-cell',
"bSortable" : false,
"bSearchable" : false,
"mRender" : function(data, callType, fullData) {
return '';
"aoSearchCols" : [
{ "sSearch" : $('#search_title').val() },
{ "sSearch" : $('#search_submit_begin_time').val() + ',' + $('#search_submit_end_time').val() },
{ "sSearch" : ($('#search_status').val() == null) ? '' : $('#search_status').val().join(',') },
{ "sSearch" : $('#search_address').val() },
{ "sSearch" : $('#search_city').val() },
{ "sSearch" : $('#search_state').val() },
{ "sSearch" : $('#search_zipcode').val() },
{ "sSearch" : ($('#search_category').val() == null) ? '' : $('#search_category').val().join(',') }
"bLengthChange" : false,
"bFilter" : true,
"bSortCellsTop" : true,
"bProcessing" : true,
"sDom" : 'lrtip',
"fnServerData" : function(sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
timer = window.setTimeout(function() {
$.getJSON(sSource, aoData, function(json) {
}, delay);


var delay = 750;
var timer;

function submit_query() {

$.getJSON(issuesTabPath + '/json/reportsMatching',
function(data, status) {
alert("return " + data.success + ": " + data.message);

function toggle_criteria() {

function clear_all_fields() {
$('form#reportCriteriaForm input').val('');
$('form#reportCriteriaForm select').val([]);

for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
reportsTable.fnFilter('', i);

function edit_report(id) {
$('#tab-content').load(issuesTabPath + '/report/' + id);


  • allanallan Posts: 64,154Questions: 1Answers: 10,587 Site admin
    > "bServerSide" : true,

    Filtering is being done entirely at the server-side if you have server-side processing enabled. So its in your `reports` script that something is going wrong with the filtering, rather than in DataTables itself.

    Sorry I can't be of more help since I don't know that script, but helpfully it will point you in the right direction!

  • LeveticusLeveticus Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    How does fnFilter function when server-side processing is enabled? I'm assuming in a DOM sourced table, it just goes through each td in column and filters on that value. When fnFilter is called with server-side processing enabled, how does it filter? Does it just send the filtering parameters and rebuild the table with the returned values?
  • allanallan Posts: 64,154Questions: 1Answers: 10,587 Site admin
    > How does fnFilter function when server-side processing is enabled?

    It passes the filter request through to the server as described here: http://datatables.net/usage/server-side . With server-side processing, the processing is done at the server, including filtering :-)

  • LeveticusLeveticus Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Found the issue. It was caused by a type mismatch (String compared to int) in the backend code causing the values of the filter to be lost. Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to help.
This discussion has been closed.