closing a row with .fnClose() deletes row
closing a row with .fnClose() deletes row

Hey everyone,
I'm using .fnOpen(nTr, someFunction(nTr), 'someClass') to create a new row of details. Closing the row with .fnClose() deletes the entire element and its contents. Is there an option to just HIDE the row, so the details can be accessed without calling .fnOpen() again?
Thanks for any help!
I'm using .fnOpen(nTr, someFunction(nTr), 'someClass') to create a new row of details. Closing the row with .fnClose() deletes the entire element and its contents. Is there an option to just HIDE the row, so the details can be accessed without calling .fnOpen() again?
Thanks for any help!
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1.10 is ready to roll, but just lacking documentation - so it might be a little difficult to get it to do what you want until I get a chance to write the documentation, but this example might get you started: