Vertical scrolling messes with header row and search

Vertical scrolling messes with header row and search

aktrailaktrail Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited September 2013 in General
I've got 2 tables that seem to be working ok on one page:

However, when I decided to try vertical scrolling on the first table,
1. it squished the header row to the left until I click in the header row (this behavior repeats after refreshing the page)
2. search no longer works (e.g. type in "equestrian" and see what happens as you type in more letters)
3. the 2nd table doesn't seem to be recognized for sorting, although it appears (note that the debug info only sees one table on the bad page while the good page sees 2 tables)
(4. I could do without the horizontal scroll bar that appears, but not a major concern for now)

I'm using TablePress, and the only difference between the two calls for the first table is the presence of the shortcode for scrolly
[table id=8 datatables_scrolly="500px"/]

TablePress people looked at it: "This is really strange... For some reasaon, there seems to be a JavaScript error on the page (I can see one related to "CharCodeAt" in the error console in the browser).
However, I can't really spot a possible reason for this, especially as this error does not show up on the page that is working...
All I can therefore recommend is to ask about this in the forums of the DataTables JS library at ."

I'm relatively new at WordPress and Weaver II Pro, very new at TablePress (my first tables), and my first exposure to DataTables. I hope I've submitted this information correctly.

I'm using Firefox 23.0.1

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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