Filter + Onscreen keyboard = getting stucked. Please help

Filter + Onscreen keyboard = getting stucked. Please help

yupyupyupyup Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited September 2013 in KeyTable
Hi guys, I tried to use this on-screen keyboard ( with the individual column filter ( It allowed me to type in the input using this onscreen keyboard but the sorting function does not want to work along. The filter only works when I type with the physical keyboard or the onscreen keyboard available in Windows. Please help me out. Thank you.

$(function () {

function focusIt(t) {
// define where the cursor is to write character clicked.
jsKeyboard.currentElement = $(t);;

function showKeyboard(id) {
clean($("#" + id));
jsKeyboard.currentElement = $("#"+id);;
var isCleaned = false;
function clean(t) {
if (!isCleaned) {
isCleaned = true;
var initText = "click to here to start writing...";
function send() {
if ( $("#txtContent").val() != initText && $("#txtContent").val().length > 0) {
$("#requestForm").css("display", "none");
window.setTimeout('$("#feedback").html("Your request has been processing. Please wait...").css("display","block");', 100);
window.setTimeout('$("#feedback").html("Your request has been sent. You will see request form in 5 seconds").css("display","block");', 2000);
window.setTimeout('showRequestForm()', 7000);
else {
$("#feedback").html("Please write your request...").css("display","block");

function showRequestForm() {
$("#requestForm").css("display", "block");
$("#feedback").css("display", "none");

/* Removes filters from the table data and restores all data */
$.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnFilterClear = function ( oSettings )
/* Remove global filter */
oSettings.oPreviousSearch.sSearch = "";

/* Remove the text of the global filter in the input boxes */
if ( typeof oSettings.aanFeatures.f != 'undefined' )
var n = oSettings.aanFeatures.f;
for ( var i=0, iLen=n.length ; i
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