Manipulate record nos.
Manipulate record nos.

The data that I am using will be coming up in chunks of 600 records from a third party service call.
I am using a static datatable so all the record nos are from 1 to 600. The service call is also returning me page nos. Using that page no I can calculate the actual record no. eg. If page no is 2 and record no is 345, then actual record no is 600+345=945 which I want to show to the user.
However I am not able to find how to manipulate the data table record nos. to show this new value.
Is there some easy way to do that.
Thanks in advance !!!
The data that I am using will be coming up in chunks of 600 records from a third party service call.
I am using a static datatable so all the record nos are from 1 to 600. The service call is also returning me page nos. Using that page no I can calculate the actual record no. eg. If page no is 2 and record no is 345, then actual record no is 600+345=945 which I want to show to the user.
However I am not able to find how to manipulate the data table record nos. to show this new value.
Is there some easy way to do that.
Thanks in advance !!!
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