TableTools Plugin and tables containing images
TableTools Plugin and tables containing images
I should start by saying I have never used DataTables, but if it's able to handle what I need it to do, donation to the beer fund is on the way.
I have an application that I'm building the front end for with Bootstrap 3. I could really use a grid component that does these things:
1. Can be made to work with Bootstrap 3 (seems possible from the forum posts I've read)
2. Sortable, Filterable, Paginated (So far so good)
3. Can include a column of images. One 70px square image per row. No need for sorting on this column.
4. Can save the table as a PDF, including the column with the images.
Can DataTables + TableTools do all that? And if so, I see that one of the donation options includes the ability to pay for support. What are the chances that an hour of support time would buy a quick Bootstrap 3 proof of concept meeting the above criteria?
I have an application that I'm building the front end for with Bootstrap 3. I could really use a grid component that does these things:
1. Can be made to work with Bootstrap 3 (seems possible from the forum posts I've read)
2. Sortable, Filterable, Paginated (So far so good)
3. Can include a column of images. One 70px square image per row. No need for sorting on this column.
4. Can save the table as a PDF, including the column with the images.
Can DataTables + TableTools do all that? And if so, I see that one of the donation options includes the ability to pay for support. What are the chances that an hour of support time would buy a quick Bootstrap 3 proof of concept meeting the above criteria?
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I ask, because I may be able to sponsor the work, either by you or another developer... I'd just need more information about where the changes need to take place.