Export table header and body, but not the footer
Export table header and body, but not the footer

I am using the footer to add selection filtering similar to: http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/api/multi_filter_select.html. When using the Table Tools on this type of format, the last page will display all of the filters (tfoot row).
Is there a method where I can exclude this row of garbage data?
Is there a method where I can exclude this row of garbage data?
This discussion has been closed.
var oTable = $('#'+tablename).dataTable( {
"sDom": "<'row'<'dataTables_header clearfix'<'col-md-4'l><'col-md-5 hidden-sm hidden-xs'T><'col-md-3 col-sm-5'f>r>>t<'row'<'dataTables_footer clearfix'<'col-md-6'i><'col-md-6'p>>>",
"oTableTools": {
"sSwfPath": 'https://'+ window.location.hostname + '/js/DataTables/media/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf',
"aButtons": [
"print" ,
"sExtends": "collection",
"sButtonText": "Save",
"aButtons": [{
"sExtends": "xls",
"bFooter": false // <-- THIS
"sExtends": "pdf",
"sPdfOrientation": "landscape" ,
"bFooter": false //<-- THIS
"sSearch": "Search all columns:",
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"aoColumns": col
} );