Excel-style conditional formatting applied on each column separately
Excel-style conditional formatting applied on each column separately

I would like to add Excel-style conditional formatting applied on each column in the table separately. E.g. in the first column I have numbers from -1 to 3. I would like -1 to be red, 0 to be white and 3 to be green. Colors in between should be colored with intermediate colors. In the second column numbers may be from 0 to 100, so 0 should be red, middle(50) - white, 100 - green. These are examples of what I'm trying to achieve. To do that I need to identify minimum and maximum number of each column and either use zero or (max+min)/2 for white color.
As far I as understood I can format individual cells based of their value using mData. Is there a way to get all values in the column before doing the formatting? In my case I need to get all numbers in the column to get minimum and maximum value and to generate a list of colors.
As far I as understood I can format individual cells based of their value using mData. Is there a way to get all values in the column before doing the formatting? In my case I need to get all numbers in the column to get minimum and maximum value and to generate a list of colors.
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