Update select number of entries to be displayed at a time after applying filter.
Update select number of entries to be displayed at a time after applying filter.

I have a dropdown below the datatable which user can select to view number of records (e.g. 10,25,50,100) per page. After applying text filter on data table, I want to show only the options which are relative to number of records filtered. E.g. Assume there are 100 records in datatable initially. After typing text in "Filter" text box, 13 records are shortlisted. In this case I want to show only 10 and 25 option in the dropdown. Also when user changes the filter text, the same process should follow.
Please suggest if there is a way to do it using any callback function or by writing any custom js code.
Please suggest if there is a way to do it using any callback function or by writing any custom js code.
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