Initial filter value generates error
Initial filter value generates error

I am using DataTables 1.9.4 with column filtering which means that on change of elements fnFilter is called. I am using the same code for all datatables.
My problem is that I would like to set initial value of input field and use it for filtering. I don't want to do use own config during initialization.
My workaround is that after setting the change listeners, I simply call an fnFilter on the datatable if the input element has a value. And here is the problem. I got 'TypeError: c is undefined' error (I use the minified version) which refers to line 3003 in not minified version. I think the problem is that the table's DOM is not ready yet, and cannot show the processing message. I think this because when I set bProcessing to falsem this error does not exists.
Here is the full code:
$('.datatables').each(function() {
var dtInstance = $(this).dataTable({
"oLanguage": {
"sUrl": base_url + "translation/datatables.json"
"sPaginationType": "bs_full",
"sDom": "<'panel-heading'<'pull-right'f><'pull-left'l><'pull-left'>r<'clearfix'>><'table-responsive't>p",
"bProcessing": $(this).data('source') ? true : false,
"bServerSide": $(this).data('source') ? true : false,
"sAjaxSource": $(this).data('source'),
"fnInitComplete": function(oSettings, json) {
var datatable = this;
// SEARCH - Add the placeholder for Search and Turn this into in-line form control
var search_input = datatable.closest('.dataTables_wrapper').find('div[id$=_filter] input');
search_input.attr('placeholder', (oSettings && oSettings.oLanguage && oSettings.oLanguage.sSearchPlaceholder) ? oSettings.oLanguage.sSearchPlaceholder : 'Search all fields');
search_input.addClass('form-control input-sm');
// LENGTH - Inline-Form control
var length_sel = datatable.closest('.dataTables_wrapper').find('div[id$=_length] select');
// length_sel.addClass('form-control input-sm');
length_sel.selectpicker().selectpicker('setStyle', 'btn-sm', 'add');
"fnServerData": function(sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
$.each($(this).data(), function(index, val) {
aoData.push({'name': index, 'value': val});
$.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "POST",
"url": sSource,
"data": aoData,
"success": function(response, result, xhr) {
fnCallback(response, result, xhr);
"timeout": 15000,
"error": function(param) {
} );
// All select filters should be selectpickers
dtInstance.find('.filter select').selectpicker();
// Filter mechanism on filter control change
dtInstance.find('.filter').each(function() {
var inputs = $(this).find('input, select');
inputs.change(function() {
if ($(this).is('select'))
dtInstance.fnFilter($(this).val(), inputs.index(this));
dtInstance.fnFilter(this.value, inputs.index(this));
// Filter reset mechanism
dtInstance.find('.filter [type=reset]').click(function() {
dtInstance.find('.filter select').each(function() {
dtInstance.find('.filter input').each(function() {
// Initial filter values
// Generates a 'TypeError: c is undefined' which means that by the time of init filtering
// the DOM of table is not ready yet
dtInstance.find('.filter').each(function() {
var inputs = $(this).find('input, select');
inputs.each(function(index, el) {
if ($(el).val())
dtInstance.fnFilter($(el).val(), index);
Can anyone help?
The main question is: Where to put this initial filter value or how?
Thanks in advance.
I am using DataTables 1.9.4 with column filtering which means that on change of elements fnFilter is called. I am using the same code for all datatables.
My problem is that I would like to set initial value of input field and use it for filtering. I don't want to do use own config during initialization.
My workaround is that after setting the change listeners, I simply call an fnFilter on the datatable if the input element has a value. And here is the problem. I got 'TypeError: c is undefined' error (I use the minified version) which refers to line 3003 in not minified version. I think the problem is that the table's DOM is not ready yet, and cannot show the processing message. I think this because when I set bProcessing to falsem this error does not exists.
Here is the full code:
$('.datatables').each(function() {
var dtInstance = $(this).dataTable({
"oLanguage": {
"sUrl": base_url + "translation/datatables.json"
"sPaginationType": "bs_full",
"sDom": "<'panel-heading'<'pull-right'f><'pull-left'l><'pull-left'>r<'clearfix'>><'table-responsive't>p",
"bProcessing": $(this).data('source') ? true : false,
"bServerSide": $(this).data('source') ? true : false,
"sAjaxSource": $(this).data('source'),
"fnInitComplete": function(oSettings, json) {
var datatable = this;
// SEARCH - Add the placeholder for Search and Turn this into in-line form control
var search_input = datatable.closest('.dataTables_wrapper').find('div[id$=_filter] input');
search_input.attr('placeholder', (oSettings && oSettings.oLanguage && oSettings.oLanguage.sSearchPlaceholder) ? oSettings.oLanguage.sSearchPlaceholder : 'Search all fields');
search_input.addClass('form-control input-sm');
// LENGTH - Inline-Form control
var length_sel = datatable.closest('.dataTables_wrapper').find('div[id$=_length] select');
// length_sel.addClass('form-control input-sm');
length_sel.selectpicker().selectpicker('setStyle', 'btn-sm', 'add');
"fnServerData": function(sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
$.each($(this).data(), function(index, val) {
aoData.push({'name': index, 'value': val});
$.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "POST",
"url": sSource,
"data": aoData,
"success": function(response, result, xhr) {
fnCallback(response, result, xhr);
"timeout": 15000,
"error": function(param) {
} );
// All select filters should be selectpickers
dtInstance.find('.filter select').selectpicker();
// Filter mechanism on filter control change
dtInstance.find('.filter').each(function() {
var inputs = $(this).find('input, select');
inputs.change(function() {
if ($(this).is('select'))
dtInstance.fnFilter($(this).val(), inputs.index(this));
dtInstance.fnFilter(this.value, inputs.index(this));
// Filter reset mechanism
dtInstance.find('.filter [type=reset]').click(function() {
dtInstance.find('.filter select').each(function() {
dtInstance.find('.filter input').each(function() {
// Initial filter values
// Generates a 'TypeError: c is undefined' which means that by the time of init filtering
// the DOM of table is not ready yet
dtInstance.find('.filter').each(function() {
var inputs = $(this).find('input, select');
inputs.each(function(index, el) {
if ($(el).val())
dtInstance.fnFilter($(el).val(), index);
Can anyone help?
The main question is: Where to put this initial filter value or how?
Thanks in advance.
This discussion has been closed.
set dtInstance.fnSettings().oFeatures.bProcessing to false and restore its value after the initial filtering is done.
But it is definitely something that I don't want to do.