Individual column filtering not working with HTML in cells
Individual column filtering not working with HTML in cells

I'm using this " " on my table successfully. Unfortunately, my table cells contain HTML. Because of this I'm not able to sort using the select elements. From what I can tell it looks like I need to modify the "fnGetData" function to only get the inner text of the cell and not the HTML, but I don't know how to do that.
Could anybody help?
Could anybody help?
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"Not able to sort using the select elements" - aren't the select elements being used for filtering? Or are you wanting to sort the select elements?
I'm using this exact method:
The only difference between the example and my implementation is I have HTML in my cell tables. So my select elements look like this:
Some Text
I need a way to grab the text of a cell, not the innerHTML of the cell, and add that to the value attribute of my option tag. Any ideas? Please use the fiddle if you can.
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "sType": "html", "aTargets": [ "_all" ] }
But that didn't do it. Updated example: