Print Button Issue.
Print Button Issue.

My datatable has column with link as data and delete icon in one column, whenever I print this table it also shows the link for text in column and delete button in column. 'mColumns': [1, 2] didn't solved my issue. is there any other settings.
My datatable has column with link as data and delete icon in one column, whenever I print this table it also shows the link for text in column and delete button in column. 'mColumns': [1, 2] didn't solved my issue. is there any other settings.
This discussion has been closed.
var closePrintView = function (e) {
if (e.which == 27) {
$("#grid th:first-child, #grid td:first-child").show();
$("#grid th:last-child, #grid td:last-child").show();
a = 0;
'fnClick': function (nButton, oConfig) {
this.fnPrint(true, oConfig);
a = 1;
"fnDrawCallback": function (oSettings) {
if (a == 1) {
$("#grid th:first-child, #grid td:first-child").hide();
$("#grid th:last-child, #grid td:last-child").hide();